Corby Spirit and Wine has announced that Maura Cowan has been appointed to the position of Vice-President of Marketing.
Jefferson’s Bourbon, founded by Trey Zoeller, proudly debuts its flagship product, Jefferson’s Bourbon in Ontario this fall.
In honour of the 35th anniversary of “18 & Life,” Skid Row has launched ‘Skid Row 18 and Life Single Origin Ultra Premium Rum.’
Her Head’s On Fire lead singer Joseph Grillo joins us for a 190 Proof interview in which he discusses wine and some of his favourite bottles.
Irish alt/gaze/pop quintet Wynona Bleach takes time out from partying til they puke to chat to us about their favourite drunken memories...
We know country pop star Hannah Ellis enjoys “Wine Country,” so she joins us today for a 190 Proof interview to talk about drinking.
Singer-songwriter James Sardone joins us for a 190 Proof interview to discuss alcohol, favourite drinks, and the best dive bar.
British hard rockers Molly Karloff talk about their favourite drinking games, puking fans, and much more alcohol-related carnage.
Devilskin bassist Paul Martin joins us for a 190 Proof interview to chat about boozing, bars, and learning about Caesars from Sumo Cyco.
Dayglo Abortions frontman Murray “The Cretin” Acton joins us for a 190 Proof interview discussing his worst hangover, writing music while drinking, and drunken memories in......
Loudly cheersing their ninth studio recording, ‘Flamingo Overload,’ Trollfest guitarist John Espen Sagstad (aka Mr. Seidel) talks hangovers, drinking games, and drunken stories.
Celebrating his sophomore record, 'Human,' Swedish musician Erik Odsell offers us a very special Top 10 list compiled of his best or most memorable drinking experiences. Enjoy our feature responsibly.
Los Vegas rock darlings, Crash Midnight join us for a 190 Proof booze-infused interview wherein Shaun Soho and Alex Donaldson discuss drinks and then some, including their signature whiskey cocktail...
Music is great and all, but so is booze! We speak with Mitch Meyer of Zoos for our latest 190 Proof interview wherein he shares his favourite drinks, how he...
We’re going to give you the truth, The Damn Truth, and nothing but The Damn Truth today with our latest edition of 190 Proof. Earlier this...