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Shoegaze Band THE MICRODANCE Streaming New Tracks “The Ride Today” and “Come Back To Me My Lover In The Sky”

The Microdance have announced the release of their double A-side The Ride Today / Come Back To Me My Lover In The Sky, which is out now.



The Microdance have announced the release of their double A-side The Ride Today / Come Back To Me My Lover In The Sky, which is out now. The brand new track “The Ride Today” was produced by Olly Goodman and sits perfectly in line with The Microdance’s idyllic and dreamy qualities, with its stirring harmonies and tender guitar lines.

“The Ride Today is an interesting one because I think a lot of people who have heard snippets of what we’ve done think it’s a new direction for the band,” quotes front man Alex Keevill. “I actually wrote the song before we recorded New Waves of Hope and it is in fact redolent of my pre TMD songs; it just didn’t fit with the consistent, more organic rocky vibe of the album. It’s a sound that I love – gloopy, new wavey, and slightly gothic. A friend said to me when she heard the demo,’ you’ve outcured The Cure.’ I’ll take that!”

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