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Experimental Collaborative Sugar Horse Celebrate Growing Old with Live Video for ‘Waterloo Teeth’

Celebrating the relentless churn of old age, Bristol collaborative Sugar Horse blast through a live version of ‘Waterloo Teeth’ for you here.



You might not be aware of who Sugar Horse are but you need to know. Why? Well, the boundary-pushing Bristol quartet have just dropped their brilliant Waterloo Teeth collaborative EP via Small Pond on which they team up with various members of Heriot, Conjurer, IDLES, and Biffy Clyro.

Like most of us, Sugar Horse have accepted that there are certain things in life that are guaranteed – one of them is growing old. However, has this relentless aging process made Sugar Horse rethink their priorities? Kind of but it hasn’t been enough to stop them cramming into a rehearsal studio to blast out some great tunes.

So, to celebrate the predictability of growing old, Sugar Horse invite you to join them in their rehearsal room where they recently cranked out this live rendition of the EP title-track. Check it out here:

Speaking about the track, the band said:

“‘Waterloo Teeth’ is a song about the relentless churn of age. We all get old, some of us faster than others. To be totally melodramatic, turning 30 and having kids makes a person really dwell on age and how it rolls forward with a relentless crawl. It’s a cliche to say you don’t notice the churn until it’s too late, but that is one of life’s cringe inducing truism. So go forth, listen to us blasting this far too loud for such a cramped practice room and cringe away at our predictability.”

Sugar Horse’s brilliant new EP, Waterloo Teeth is available now and you can pick up your copy from here.

Artwork for ‘Waterloo Teeth’ by Sugar Horse

I have an unhealthy obsession with bad horror movies, the song Wanted Dead Or Alive and crap British game shows. I do this not because of the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle it affords me but more because it gives me an excuse to listen to bands that sound like hippos mating.

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