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BORTS MINORTS + HUG VICTIM Premiere Their Brutally Good “Brut” Video

With no possible musical comparison, BORTS MINORTS and HUG VICTIM premiere their brutally good and brisk, 64-second music video for “Brut.”



Modern music can be so predictable and even mundane, so it’s nice to come upon an artist that is so completely out there that there is no possible comparison. Enter BORTS MINORTS + HUG VICTIM, quite the opposite of ordinary, with their new music video for “Brut.” This is the title track to the duo’s new album, named, funnily enough, after the aftershave cologne of the same name that was so commonplace in the 1970s.

The brisk, 64-second music video offers you a good look at the pair in action, going all out, intermixed with some very 1980s television show clips. The song and video are imagination at its highest peak; artists unafraid to go places, sonically and artistically, others wouldn’t dare travel.

Describing the significance of the song, BORTS MINORTS states:

“‘Brut’ really touches on the healing power of absurdity with a strong mashup presence of yacht rock and punk rock drawing from the John Zorn/Naked City school of ‘what just happened?’ The lasting effects are as powerful as the laundry list of drugstore fragrances mentioned in the lyrics!”

Christopher Carlone, aka BORTS MINORTS, and Timo Ellis, aka HUG VICTIM, are particularly effective and proficient at getting a lot out of a little. Brut!, out now via Nefarious Industries, consists of eight new tracks, skillfully harnessed into just over twelve minutes. A lot happens in those dozen minutes, and as you come to the end, you’ll feel fulfilled, but you also may wonder what exactly just happened. Ellis is known for his work with his own band Netherlands and has also worked and toured with artists such as Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon, Cibo Matto, and Spacehog. He has performed and collaborated with Mark Ronson, John Zorn, The Melvins, Ween, and The Lemonheads.

As a duo, Carlone and Ellis have come used to the jack of all trades role, which they very much fulfill on this new album. Carlone does vocals, drums, keyboards, guitars, pedals, whistles, and samples, while Ellis wears many of the same hats. Imaginative and very much outside of the box, BORTS MINORTS + HUG VICTIM have creative outsider music that even outsiders may find a little too outside of the box.

Artwork for the album ‘Brut!’ by BORTS MINORTS + HUG VICTIM

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