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Rob Eberle – “hope u feel ok” [Song Review]

“hope u feel ok” blends subtle tangs of pop with pulsating rock into a wonderful earworm that shows Rob Eberle coming into his own.



Rob Eberle ‘hope u feel ok’ album artwork
Rob Eberle ‘hope u feel ok’ album artwork

In his new single, “hope u feel ok,” singer-songwriter Rob Eberle explores the emotional aftermath of a breakup from the viewpoints of both parties, revealing the array of feelings – sorrow, hope, lingering affection – following the disintegration of a relationship.

The song’s heart lies in its mature sensitivity, with each partner wishing nothing but the best for the other. The lyrics prompt similar responses in listeners, reminding them that although love sometimes fades, emotional ties often remain.

A haunting melody complements the lyrics as Eberle’s vulnerable vocals disclose elusive poignancy and a warm fondness that will never dissipate.

Recently signing a distribution deal with EarthProgram/Virgin Records, Eberle’s talents encompass multiple instruments – guitar, piano, bass, ukulele, and drums. Raised in a musical family, he began playing guitar when he was eight years old. He began writing original songs at age 12.

Rob Eberle, photo courtesy of Rob Eberle

Rob Eberle, photo courtesy of Rob Eberle

Opening on vibrant pop-rock flavours topped by Eberle’s expressive, nuanced vocals, “hope u feel ok” travels on a low-slung yet irresistible rhythm. Soft, gleaming harmonic textures merge into an undulating melody dripping with kindhearted compassion and caring surfaces. Hints of assurance and expectancy imbue the song with an aura of possibility.

“hope u feel ok” blends subtle tangs of pop with pulsating rock into a wonderful earworm that shows Rob Eberle coming into his own.

Run Time: 3:06
Release Date: June 7, 2024
Record Label: EarthProgram/Virgin Records
