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Johanna Stahley Premieres Her Newest Single, “I Seem To Know You”

Pop singer-songwriter Johanna Stahley channels her emotional pain into her music with the premiere of her new single “I Seem To Know You.”



Johanna Stahley, photo by Shervin Lainez
Johanna Stahley, photo by Shervin Lainez

Most artists, like Johanna Stahley, view their art as a pathway. And it’s a pathway that has enabled her to persevere through many of life’s challenges. Today, she debuts her new single, “I Seem To Know You,” your first sample of new music from her album Visionary Apothecary.

The record, due out on July 19th, holds a lot of meaning for Stahley and her recent experiences. She is a mother to two children and a cancer survivor. Her best friend recently took his own life. But through these challenges and the grief that has come from them, she has focused her attention on her art. And that art has helped stabilize her mind and enabled her to write some of the best songs of her career.

“I Seem To Know You” comes from an interesting place for Stahley. Describing the experiences that inspired this song, she tells us:

“I went to a temple to drink ayahuasca after my best friend died. I was in so much emotional pain that my body physically hurt. Everything hurt… The next day I had a meeting with the shaman. I looked into his eyes and saw (my best friend’s) eyes looking back at me along with an amalgam of all the men I ever loved. I spilled my guts. Told him every secret I had. It was such a relief.

“By the end of the weekend of music and medicine and fellowship, I was pretty sure I was in love with this man! I went home and wrote a song about how I felt. We finished and I sent it to the Shaman. I went to see him a few days later thinking it would be an amazing meeting of falling in love… but alas, went I saw him, I felt nothing. It was all for the song. The feeling I had, captured beautifully, so beautifully, in its timeless form.”

Visionary Apothecary will act as a statement for Stahley, an amalgamation of all her influences. Her music is difficult to categorize, with it falling somewhere within pop, rock, alternative, and more. She has been in the music industry for a long time now. Many of her songs and music have appeared in commercials and television shows. Artistically, she is quite fearless, showing a deep commitment to her songwriting, unafraid of changing her musical style. What’s important to Stahley, aside from the quality of the music, is that it touches her audience. Which isn’t hard with how she creates and the priorities she maintains as a songwriter. Amongst her many endearing qualities, her sincerity may be her most charming.

Tour Dates:

06/06 – Greenkill, Kingston, NY
06/19 – Jersey Shore (album release show) @ TBD

Johanna Stahley “I Seem To Know You” single artwork

Johanna Stahley “I Seem To Know You” single artwork
