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FILTER Post Entire New Album ‘Crazy Eyes’ on SoundCloud; Album out April 8, 2016

Due out on April 8, 2016 via Wind-up Records, industrial-tinged rock/metal band Filter is now streaming their entire new album Crazy Eyes on SoundCloud a full day ahead of its release.



The Skinny: Due out on April 8, 2016 via Wind-up Records, industrial-tinged rock/metal band Filter is now streaming their entire new album Crazy Eyes on SoundCloud a full day ahead of its release.

Crazy Eyes is hardly bereft of guitars but there are a substantial amount of electronics and effects in use. The result features heavy industrial crunch and solemn, ambient songs that reach back to Patrick’s time in Nine Inch Nails and the first Filter album, 1995’s Short Bus.” said Billboard of the new offering.

“Filter is the mind,” exclaims Richard Patrick. “It’s your interpretation or my interpretation. Our thing is to look at people’s unexplainable behavior and assess it, using sound. It’s a way to approximate the insanity of the human condition. The reason this record is so fucking heavy and strange is it’s exactly the opposite of what’s popular. It’s not pretty. It’s not cute. It’s real.”

Rather than partner with a producer, he took the reins and oversaw production on Crazy Eyes himself. “You recognize it’s us from my aggression and singing, but the instrumentation had to change,” he admits. “It wasn’t about just stacking guitars like we might’ve done on the last couple records. There are way more electronics and sound design.”

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