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Future Ghosts – “Hands” [Exclusive Free Song Download]

Future Ghosts singer and guitarist, Aslan Freeman, provided us with the following history of this amazing song. This world premiere of “Hands” is an exclusive as the song WILL NOT be on their upcoming EP and won’t be available anywhere else.



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The Skinny: Future Ghosts singer and guitarist, Aslan Freeman, provided us with the following history of this amazing song. This world premiere of “Hands” is an exclusive as the song WILL NOT be on their upcoming EP and won’t be available anywhere else.

“”Hands” was written about a year ago, around the same time we wrote “Spotless”. It was a pretty big turning point for us musically, as we were heading out of listening to a lot of alternative bands like Colour Revolt (who inspired this particular song) and starting to listen more to big pop acts like Jimmy Eat World.

Probably because of that, this song sounds pretty unique for us. Usually the songs we write that aren’t up the more straightforward rock alley and are a bit heavier, or else more on the ambient, pretty side. “Hands” sort’ve retains the grit of a rock song, but uses less traditional guitar parts and has an almost southern rock vibe to it, which is also something we don’t usually toss in the mix.

Lyrically, the song touches on issues of balancing faith in a few senses: faith to a belief system, faith to an individual or relationship and faith to one’s self. Belief systems are important but it often seems like people allow their own opinions or morals to be subverted in order to be excessively faithful to their belief system, rather than their beliefs.

Obviously faith to an individual or relationship is something that is very theoretically important in our society, but appears to be falling out of practice. As for faith to one’s self, it might be better to phrase it faith in one’s self, as far as an individual’s plans, hopes, desires, dreams or whatever you prefer to call them go. At the time I was writing, I was watching a few friends fight to balance these and I suppose my frustration worked itself out in the song.”

Born in 2003, V13 was a socio-political website that morphed into PureGrainAudio in 2005 and spent 15 years developing into one of Canada's (and the world’s) leading music sites. On the eve of the site’s 15th anniversary, a full relaunch and rebrand took us back to our roots and opened the door to a full suite of Music, Entertainment, and cultural content.
