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Eynomia Premiere Their Symphonic New Album ‘Sea of Tears’

Symphonic progressive metal band Eynomia premiere their long-awaited sophomore full-length record ‘Sea of Tears.’



Eynomia, photo by Harley Velasquez
Eynomia, photo by Harley Velasquez

With the way musical trends go nowadays, you’d be hard-pressed to find a band as majestic sounding as Eynomia. Especially within the realm of heavy metal and hard rock, this ensemble certainly stands out. You’ll see what we mean with the premiere of their brand new album, Sea of Tears. It’s an expansive sound that is hard to pin down, but overall, it evokes thoughts of classic symphonic progressive metal, comparable to Dream Theater.

With some words on the release of Sea of Tears, guitarist Chris Bickley states:

“The most exciting part of making this record is always the creative process and watching the art come to life. It’s a musical canvas in a way for us to be able to record feelings and moods. The band, I always feel does a good job connecting even when we aren’t in the room together. So hopefully the audience can also tune into what we are laying down and connect with us because it’s also in some ways a very meaningful deep experience. As they are we are also fans of music and hope they love this album as much as we do.”

Sea of Tears is the follow-up to the band’s 2018 debut, Break Free, so it has been a long time coming. It expands upon Break Free’s symphonic rock sound as they move towards more of a complex progressive rock/metal structure. The production sounds noticeably more layered and polished, with the chemistry amongst the band members more noticeable. Just as on their debut, Sea of Tears is centered around the stirring vocal talents of Phyllis Rutter and the melodic originality on the guitar of Chris Bickley. There is also a greater incorporation of intricate keyboard parts, emphasizing the progressive part of the album’s sound.

It’s quite impressive that the band could pull off such an expansive-sounding record, given it was recorded remotely. Each member of Eynomia recorded their parts in their respective home studios or studios nearby. After they put everything down on tape, they sent it along to Bickley, who volunteered to take on the difficult role of pulling it all together. Bickley meticulously assembled all these parts in his home studio in Connecticut. Sea of Tears also features guest vocalists for the first time in their songs. Faith Warning guitarist Michael Abdow is featured on “To the End,” and Michael Vescera, who has played with Yngwie Malmsteen and Japanese band Loudness, played on “Mask of Vengeance.”

It may have taken some time to bring together, but Sea of Tears really stands out as a new chapter for Eynomia. This is a grand, distinguished-sounding record from a band that sounds more self-assured than ever.

Sea of Tears Track Listing:

1. To The End
2. Jekyll And Hyde
3. Mask Of Vengeance
4. Sea Of Tears
5. Reborn
6. The Demon Inside
7. The One
8. Time Will Come
9. Set Back

Eynomia ‘Sea of Tears’ album artwork

Eynomia ‘Sea of Tears’ album artwork
