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Bridges Ablaze Welcome the “Apocalypse” with Their New Music Video Premiere

Hard rockers Bridges Ablaze pay tribute to zombies and ‘Resident Evil’ with the premiere of their new “Apocalypse” music video.



Bridges Ablaze - Brien and Ruben
Bridges Ablaze - Brien and Ruben

If you’re going to title a song “Apocalypse” then it better have an equally seismic music video, which is what Bridges Ablaze has delivered with their new clip. A hard-hitting modern rock jolt of energy, the song kicks it up another notch for the Austin, Texas-based hard rockers.

For the “Apocalypse” video, it had to match the gargantuan energy and messaging behind the song. They have undoubtedly accomplished that with a video featuring a full-on war between humans and zombies, intermixed with clips of the band performing the song. Their most cinematic video yet, Bridges Ablaze really worked hard to deliver something memorable. With their radio-friendly hard rocking sound, the band has established themselves as a connoisseur of the best of 2000s-era hard rock.

Discussing the song, the video, and their inspirations, Bridges Ablaze co-leader Brien Allen says:

“‘Apocalypse,’ at its core, is a deeply personal window into what it’s like to experience your darkest hour. It digs into the visceral experience of what hopelessness, despair, and isolation are like from the inside looking out. The song was written from a very personal perspective but can be applied to anything, including current events that we are facing as a country and as a species. The lyrics were written as such to allow for a multiplicity of possible interpretations. The song was also written as a response to significant fan engagement comparing a previous video to Resident Evil, and seeks to deliver a message peripheral to the themes explored in that series.”

“Apocalypse” comes after the release of the band’s recent singles “Heartbroken Angel” and “Numb.” Bridges Ablaze is led by the aforementioned Allen and Ruben Zamora. The two met completely by chance at an Austin-based Guitar Center. They quickly recognized each other’s talent and a mutual respect quickly grew. Bridges Ablaze was formed in 2019, and since that time, they have sparked a great musical connection. It’s been aided along the way by producer Robby Joyner (Fire From The Gods). Joyner helped keep the collaborative process creative and only helped bring Allen and Zamora closer together as musicians.

They have lots of interesting future plans in store, including some upcoming acoustic releases. In the meantime, we’ll gladly endure this coming “Apocalypse.”

Bridges Ablaze “Apocalypse” single artwork

Bridges Ablaze “Apocalypse” single artwork
