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Periphery & Eidola Showcase Face-Melting Djent Technical Proficiency at History [Photos]

Progressive metallers Periphery and post-hardcore band Eidola brought the heavy and intense to History in downtown Toronto, ON.



Periphery on May 16, 2024, photo by Mike Bax
Periphery on May 16, 2024, photo by Mike Bax

Currently touring in support of their latest album, Periphery V: Djent Is Not A Genre, Periphery brought their longtime friends Eidola along for a North American run of dates, touching down in Toronto for a show that was initially booked at the Danforth Music Hall. That show sold out quickly, so the event was moved to History, allowing another 800 to 900 fans access to the show without having to line the pockets of aftermarket resellers. While History wasn’t sold out (shy of about 500 patrons), the vibe in the room from both bands was undoubtedly celebratory. Eidola vocalist Andrew Wells (Dance Gavin Dance) proclaimed the Toronto show the best of the run and seemed genuinely impressed with the crowd’s energy throughout their performance.

Backing things up, the evening was opened with Periphery’s Jake Bowen DJ’ing for a half hour as patrons swelled into the venue. Bowen thanked his bandmates for allowing him to craft his solo material and warm up the evening showcasing some of it. Bowen said of his material, “It’s quite different from Periphery’s stuff, and I’m hoping some of you like it.” Periphery is a band rife with superbly talented members unafraid to try different things in their songcraft. Yes, Bowen’s solo material is less in-your-face compared to Periphery. Still, his input can be heard throughout the Periphery catalogue. Toronto fans were warm to his music and his often humorous candour.

As Salt Lake City six-piece metallers Eidola took the stage, Toronto erupted in approval. Currently servicing their fifth studio album Eviscerate (released last month), it was immediately clear fans were in the room to see Eidola perform. It was hard NOT to look at Royal Coda guitarist Sergio Medina as he balanced his guitar between his teeth and seemed to vary notes with his tongue as he did so. Wells introduced one of the songs by saying the proceeds for their merch sold this evening would pay Medina’s dental bills. “Fistful of Hornets” seemed to be the fan-favourite of the evening. Fans in the room ground up the floor, moshing and riding atop the crowd to the security rail.

Periphery immediately won over half the crowd as they strutted on stage. The crowd saw guitarist Mark Holcomb adorned with a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey and cheered their approval (we love our Leafs!).

Even though Periphery delivers very intense music, its reputation for remaining affable and playful on stage and off makes for an entertaining live music experience. The band performed bathed in pulsating multicoloured back-lighting, spiralling their way through complex rhythm patterns and intricate guitar solos with a visible ease that was humbling to behold. It’s one thing to get sounds that intricate down in the studio, but it’s something awe-inspiring to behold as it’s replicated live in a room with 2000 cheering people.

Periphery’s continued playfulness and ever-present smiles throughout the entire set kept fans wholly engaged. The floor was constantly in motion, with Toronto fans moshing, singing, and crowd surfing through all ten songs performed this evening. The band delivered an incredible performance of “Wax Wings,” complete with drummer Matt Halpern and guitarist Misha Mansoor battling out a cool jam session mid-way through the song.

This show was the third last date on this current tour, with a date at MTELUS in Montreal the next night. There were no visible signs of fatigue in either band’s performance. If anything, there seemed to be an effort to go out on a high note across both acts. It was a grand evening of live heavy music.

Periphery Setlist:

1. Ragnarok
2. Wildfire
3. Atropos
4. Letter Experiment
5. Stranger Things
6. Dracul Gras
7. Wax Wings (w/ Jammy Jam)
8. Marigold
9. Satellites
10. Blood Eagle

Eidola Setlist:

1. No Weapon Formed Shall Prosper
2. Counterfeit Shrines
3. God Takes Away Everything
4. Ashes in Gehinnom
5. Forgotten Tongues
6. He Who Pulls the Strings Ties a Knot
7. Fistful of Hornets
8. Caustic Prayer
9. Ziggurat
10. Mutual Fear0
