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I AM SOPHIA Unveils Her Galactic Pop Single “Alien Being Human”

I AM SOPHIA, a luminary in the realm of celestial music, unveils her galactic pop hit, “Alien Being Human.”




In a world where music is the universal language, a new artist emerges to push the boundaries of sonic exploration and existential activation. I AM SOPHIA, a luminary in celestial music, unveils her galactic pop hit, “Alien Being Human.”

An interstellar symphony encapsulating the duality of our stellar lineage and earthly tribulations, “Alien Being Human” takes listeners on a journey that transcends the mundane confines of human existence into a super-human self-discovery. The track serves as an anthem for those who grapple with the heaviness of terrestrial life while yearning to reconnect with their starseed origins. Through poignant lyricism and ethereal melodies, the song shows us that we are not merely inhabitants of Earth but also manifestations of stardust incarnate.

I AM SOPHIA comments on the track:

“Galactic Pop is not about escaping into outer space; it’s about embracing the human experience through the lens of our celestial heritage. Galactic is of the cosmos, Pop is of Earth – and my music serves as the harmonious bridge between these two realms. I’m inviting listeners to embrace their duality and activate their cosmic potential.”

At the heart of this single lies a rallying cry reverberating through the matrix, “It’s hard being an alien, being a human, but remember who you are, you’re from the stars, and the only way to activate is from the heart.” This mantra embodies the essence of I AM SOPHIA’s mission – “to awaken the dormant cosmic potential within each of us and spark a revolution of the soul.”

“Alien Being Human” transcends conventional genre classifications, pioneering a new frontier in music known as Galactic Pop. With its seamless fusion of pop hooks, hip-hop rhythms, and galactic sound effects, this genre-defying work of art propels listeners into uncharted sonic territories – igniting the heart to open and enticing the body to dance. In an era marked by humanity’s insatiable quest for understanding, I AM SOPHIA emerges as a beacon of light in the darkness. Her commitment to multidimensional artistry extends beyond the auditory realm, as she meticulously crafts all of her visual media to complement the immersive experience of her music. Look out for more from this artist very soon.

I AM SOPHIA “Alien Being Human” single artwork

I AM SOPHIA “Alien Being Human” single artwork

Lover of all things music, Vanessa De La Rosa has been involved in the music scene most of her life in different capacities. All genres welcome, she is a past master in the art of "nerding-out" with music, and is excited to explore that passion by sharing the stories of artists everywhere. Fan of: Festivals, gear, music production, all genres, supporting artists, concerts, and merch!
