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Rustbelt Announces Upcoming EP ‘You Got Nowhere To Go But You’re Going There Tonight’

Rustbelt, the solo project of artist John Chiaverina, aka Juiceboxxx, shared a brand new single entitled “Oh My God Here It Comes Now.”




Rustbelt, the solo project of artist John Chiaverina, aka Juiceboxxx, shared a brand new single earlier this year entitled “Oh My God Here It Comes Now,” on which he documented both the absurdity of aiming for greatness as well as the beauty of trying anyway. Now, Rustbelt returns with the announcement of a new EP, You Got Nowhere To Go But You’re Going There Tonight, out January 19, 2024, via Dangerbird Records, and shares its title track.

“All your hopes and all your dreams,  they never really die,” Chiaverina sings on the title track. He’s been working on the song for over 10 years, which means it’s been sitting on his hard drive as he continued to write and perform as Juiceboxxx, but this song kept pulling him back in somehow. “With Rustbelt, I’m trying to give myself room to move outside of my narrative a tiny bit,” he says. “These songs are like alternate timelines for myself.”

In some songs, he’s looking back at his life, and in others, like, “Oh My God Here It Comes Now,” he’s imagining a different version of it, one outside of the complexities of big city ambition. “I wanna live by the airport, I wanna watch the planes go by,” Chiaverina sings, and you can almost feel the weight of his desires falling off him. He continues, “It’s been a life caked in failure, I’ve seen enough dreams up and die.” Rustbelt documents both the absurdity of aiming for greatness as well as the beauty of trying anyway.

There is more coming from Rustbelt very soon; stay tuned in the coming months for more great content from this artist.

You Got Nowhere To Go But You’re Going There Tonight Track Listing:

1. You Got Nowhere To Go But You’re Going There Tonight
2. Oh My God Here It Comes Now
3. Gimme A Sign
4. Running Thru The Rave

Rustbelt “You Got Nowhere To Go But You’re Going There Tonight” Single Artwork

Lover of all things music, Vanessa De La Rosa has been involved in the music scene most of her life in different capacities. All genres welcome, she is a past master in the art of "nerding-out" with music, and is excited to explore that passion by sharing the stories of artists everywhere. Fan of: Festivals, gear, music production, all genres, supporting artists, concerts, and merch!

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