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Album Review

Deaf Club – ‘Productive Disruption’ [Album Review]

Los Angeles hardcore quintet Deaf Club dish up a relentless, chaotic collection of songs on their new album ‘Productive Disruption.’



It’s Tuesday morning and the first day back at work after nearly three weeks of indulgence and laziness, so what better way to wake you out of the post-holiday slumber than with a blast of acidic hardcore? If, like me, you’re struggling to find any motivation to get you going, let spazzy hardcore five-piece Deaf Club enter your life with their new offering Productive Distruption.

So, grab yourself the strongest coffee you can, hit play and strap yourself in for fourteen tracks of unrelenting, unwavering violence from the first seconds of opener “For A Good Time Call Someone Else” to the final nasty moments of album finale “Planet Bombing.” Mixing together blasty grindcore with nasty, dirty hardcore, the Los Angeles quintet delivers one savage, feral outburst after another. With determined focus, Deaf Club steers this ship just the right side of absolute chaos although, as Productive Disruption batters you with a no-holds-barred onslaught of unpleasantness, it’s obvious that this piece of work has been spewed out of a collective of minds that know no boundaries.

However, underneath the chaos of tracks like “Don’t Forget To Live” and “Someday All Men Will Die,” there is a sheen to their sound. For all Justin Pearson’s acerbic lyrics and the ferocious delivery, the underlying, seizure-inducing spazziness of it all is pinned down by a quality that runs through this unpredictable “supergroup.” Now, you’re right in thinking that the term supergroup is not something usually linked with a band whose sound is akin to your head being slammed into a wall but, if you know your grindcore/hardcore onions, you should very much appreciate a band whose collective resumes include The Locust, ACxDCx and Dead Cross.

Amidst the nastiness, Deaf Club makes much use of sci-fi shredder Tommy Meehan’s inspirations with Productive Disruption throwing up some trippy, sci-fi elements just to keep you on your toes. Bubbling away under the grimy violence, those curveball trippy moments just add to the unpredictable feel of this sonic assault so much so that, when the fuse is lit, the devastation caused upon detonation is life-changing.

Productive Disruption Track Listing:

1. For a Good Time Call Someone Else
2. Chew the Fat
3. Don’t Forget to Live
4. Catching Flies
5. Shoplift from Jail
6. Wide Lawn, Narrow Mind
7. Full as a Tick
8. Someday All Men Will Die
9. A Day at the Racist
10. New Voodoo
11. Stop Appealing to God
12. Public Acid
13. Power of Negative Thinking
14. Planet Bombing

Run Time: 25:41
Release Date: January 6, 2022
Record Label: Three One G Records

I have an unhealthy obsession with bad horror movies, the song Wanted Dead Or Alive and crap British game shows. I do this not because of the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle it affords me but more because it gives me an excuse to listen to bands that sound like hippos mating.

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