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Jovi Skyler Explores Unrequited Love in His “We Went to the Zoo” Music Video [Premiere]



Ready for a trip to the zoo? There will be lots to see and behold, so don’t forget your phone so you can catch all those priceless shots. Your tour guide for the day is none other than Jovi Skyler, the emerging young talent who knows just how to capture all of the explosive energy of melodic alternative and punk rock. Complete with several shots of animals frolicking around in all of their zoo glory, the music video for “We Went to the Zoo” is an amusing and worthwhile accompaniment to the artist’s new single off his debut, self-titled EP that was released in April.

Despite its title, “We Went to the Zoo” has nothing to do with the zoo or animals at all. Instead, the song is an expression from Skyler of his feelings towards unrequited love and the addiction that a person can develop towards those feelings. At its core, it’s a textbook punk rock tune that will bring you back those feelings of your uncertain teenage self.

Skyler expanded more on the song’s meaning, shedding light on how the video relates with his lyrical point of view. “‘We Went to the Zoo’ is about unrequited love, and it’s conflicted. It’s about caring and not caring, and then just being engulfed by those feelings. I made this retro art video because I was longing for the sentimental. It’s supposed to be like an autobiographical memory, for a mentally unhealthy scenario of hanging out with a person you have feelings for.”

Hailing from Sydney, Australia, Skyler is a thoughtful artist who has dedicated himself to becoming the best songwriter and musician that he can be. Initially, he decided to pursue an education in music at the Conservatorium of Music but decided to drop out and proceed in his own fashion which led him to live abroad in Europe for a couple of years. While there, Skyler found his way as a musician, playing strictly original songs in an unplugged format, primarily in cafes and bars. It was this exposure that inspired Skyler to forcefully chase his creative desires which has led to his now budding career.

With a follow-up EP already planned for later this year, Skyler’s creative fire is well lit and primed to reel you in with both confidence and swagger.

Artwork for “We Went to the Zoo” by Jovi Skyler

Born in 2003, V13 was a socio-political website that morphed into PureGrainAudio in 2005 and spent 15 years developing into one of Canada's (and the world’s) leading music sites. On the eve of the site’s 15th anniversary, a full relaunch and rebrand took us back to our roots and opened the door to a full suite of Music, Entertainment, and cultural content.

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