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UK Rockers THE HOT ONE TWO are in a Festive Mood as they Chat Influences Over a few “Pints Of Cheer”

UK rockers The Hot One Two are in full festive partying mode but took time to chat to us about some of their favourite tracks… all over a few “Pints Of Cheer” of course!



UK rock crew The Hot One Two are firmly embracing the festive period with the release of their Christmas single, “Pints Of Cheer”. While we watch the fun-filled video for the track, we got the band to talk us through some of the songs that helped influence their sound:

01. Queen – “Somebody to Love”
Simon (vocals): “I have always loved Queen. Particularly this track. Freddie’s vocal performance is out of this world and the harmonies are outrageous! The lyrics have also played a predominant role in all of our lives – living normally but always searching for that somebody to love! The human aspect to an inhuman vocal performance is what makes the song something to love!”

02. Motley Crue – “Kickstart My Heart”
Manners (Guitar): “Heard that bike rev like intro and about a month after listening to it, someone told me that sound was actually a guitar. I lost my s**t and couldn’t believe it. I immediately wanted to figure out how the hell I can make that noise and I’ve not stopped dive bombing since!”

03. AC/DC – “Thunderstruck”
Joe (Drums): “Be me. 12 Years old. Never heard of AC/DC before. Got educated. Was shown AC/DC live at Donnington on – opening track, THUNDERSTRUCK. Hooked. What a way to open a show! But my love for Rock music, and my interest and want to start learning drums sparked that very day.”

04. Motley Crue – “Primal Scream”
Nick (Bass): “Since acquiring the Red, White and Crue album in my early teens the band has always inspired me, not just because of their debaucherous antics but for the attitude! Rollercoaster drum risers, flame throwers on guitars, soaring highs and catastrophic lows…Motley Crue never let anything get in their way! Primal Scream provides the perfect anthemic theme song for, in my opinion the perfect band!”

The HotOneTwo have announced a few shows as well to continue the Christmas party well into 2020.

12/19 – Cambridge – The Portland Arms (The Hot One Two Christmas Party)
12/28 – Hatfield – The Rock Den (Christmas Party)
01/11 – Cambridge – The Junction

I have an unhealthy obsession with bad horror movies, the song Wanted Dead Or Alive and crap British game shows. I do this not because of the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle it affords me but more because it gives me an excuse to listen to bands that sound like hippos mating.

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