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Album Review


Self-Titled (04.01.2008)



Ever since I can remember, Switzerland has been regarded as the “neutral country”. But with Cataract being a Swiss metalcore band, the line of neutrality and brutality has been severely distorted, if not destroyed altogether. The band has released five full-length albums, one EP, one single, and a demo; which is quite a handful for only a ten year span. Their latest effort is self-titled, as is was their first demo (it may have been a ten year tribute type deal). If you pick up the limited edition version of the album, you’ll get a bonus disc titled All You Hippies Better Start To Face Reality, which is an entire disc of covers of the bands that inspire Cataract.

The album is exactly what you would expect from this power house: heavy, fast, and loud-as-shit. The same metalcore breakdowns and tempo usually portrayed, as well. Federico’s vocals are more brutal throughout the majority of this album; he even screams higher than usual displaying a broader range and a refinment of vocal techinque.

“Burn At The Stake” is one of the most memorable tracks I have heard to date. The song is more deathcore than metalcore, consisting of more death metal style riffs, but still with a taste of modern hardcore. You can positively hear the Obituary influence throughout the entire track, which kicks ass! The breakdown is a standard breakdown, which doesn’t have anything new to offer, but breakdowns are just supposed to be a break in the music.

I definitely recommend this album to any fan of Sepultura, or even Slayer. While it might compare exactly to those aforementioned groups, it is not an album to be overlooked. Even the artwork was disturbing; an eyeball covered in dirt… why not!?  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. The Separation Of Life And Time
02. Blackest Hour
03. Snake Skin
04. Choke Down
05. Deathwish
06. Burn At The Stake
07. Tonight We Dine In Hell
08. Breeze Of The kings
09. Doomed Steps
10. In Ashes

Run Time: 46:25
