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Album Review

From The Ashes

Awakened (2006)



Please note that, From The Ashes is now called Another Black Day and has since signed to Bieler Bros Records. The progressive metal sounds of From The Ashes have been playing constantly from my headphones. Their instrumental harmonies are always soothing, yet intensifying at the same time. The constant upbeat tempo and tight timing keeps your energy flowing, while the perfect recording quality makes it pleasing to the ears.

From The Ashes is-–in a way–-one of the world’s most underrated bands; they definitely don’t get the credit that they are due. The most surprising thing about this band is that they have so much talent and still remain unsigned to a major record label. If I were a big shot record producer I would be jumping all over these guys trying to give them the sweetest deal possible. They are going far!

For the most part the entire CD keeps me extremely entertained. I cannot choose just one song as my favourite. All of them are equally amazing and make my ears orgasm from delight. The pinch harmonics and killer guitar riffs are easy to locate in any and all songs on this album.

Great job boys, keep up the work. I’d like to see an even better album sometime soon!  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. Take Back
02. Idols
03. Awakened
04. Stand Up
05. Anymore
06. Wicked Souls
07. From The Ashes
08. Crawling
09. Crickets
10. Of Angels & Devils
11. Hallowed
12. My Nightmare

Run Time: 49:48
