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The V13 Fix #016 w/Foreign Hands, Earthtone9, Wage War & More

From pop to metalcore, experimental grindcore to indie, each week The V13 Fix will bring you a roundup of all the new music worth hearing…



The V13 Fix
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Welcome to the latest The V13 Fix our weekly round-up of some of the best albums, singles and EPs to drop in our laps/inboxes this week. From pop to black metal to experimental pop to punk rock, there is something for everyone in this mix of new music. Check out and support all the bands and labels if you like what you hear and if there is a particular album you like, make sure you head over to check out our Spotify playlists where there is more great new music added daily.

Alternatively, if you’re in a band or want one of your bands considered for inclusion get in touch. While we can’t guarantee every album or EP we receive will be included, there are still plenty of other ways we can support you.

So, without further ado, sit back, plug in your headphones and get this week’s V13 Fix of new music…

‘In Resonance Nexus’

To put it quite bluntly, Earthtone 9 were the most underrated band of their generation so hopefully, this new bite at the proverbial musical cherry will get them the recognition they deserve. A rich tapestry of melody, shoegaze, hardcore and balls-to-the-wall metalcore, with the creative fire reignited in their bellies, Earthtone9 are back with unrestrained ferocity. Combined with the clever intricate moments which made Earthtone9 sound such a unique package in the first place, the British metal outfit has proved with this stunning collection why the musical better place with them in it.

Pick up your copy of In Resonance Nexus online here.

‘The Host’
Metal Blade

Peddling their “heavy metal darkness” for nearly twenty years now, Swedish quintet Portrait are back with The Host, an album which guitarist Christian Lindell describes as “an occult tale of sword and sorcery, accompanied by some of the most passionate heavy metal ever recorded.” A galloping, ball-busting romp, The Host is played at a neck-snapping pace, coupled with a concept based on a story taking place in 17th-century era Sweden. It’s breathtaking stuff for those who still have the classics like Maiden, Priest etc. on regular rotation.

Pick up your copy of The Host online here.

‘The Formless Fires’
Metal Blade Records

For decades now, Swedish bands have continually taken things to the next level with their incredible musicianship and flawless production. Kvaen do nothing to change that either with their new album The Formless Fires. An absolutely savage display of runaway Swedish black metal The Formless Fires is performed at a terrifying pace throughout. Unrelentingly feral, The Formless Fires blasts, blasts then blasts some more as the likes of “Traverse The Never” see the band turn in a performance that has the darkness of Necrophobic and the savage groove of At The Gates

Pick up your copy of The Formless Fires online here.

‘Vol 1: The Hymn of the Hunters’
Exitus Stratagem Records

Formed in September 2021, Voraath has, over the last couple of years, morphed into something much more. While brutal death metal is the order of the day here, there is a much wider audio and visual landscape to explore with this album. Feeling almost like it could be lifted from one of those immersive role-playing video games, the concept of Vol 1: The Hymn of the Hunters, draws inspiration from 80s sci-fi, folk tales and game lore, along with their own personal mountain adventures. All of this is wrapped up in a thunderous death metal display along with their own handcrafted outfits and stagewear. Whereas some bands create their music at the press of a button, every aspect of Voraath’s art feels like it is painstakingly crafted to perfection.

Pick up your copy of Vol 1: The Hymn of the Hunters online here.

Wage War
Fearless Records

Stigma, the fifth album from Florida modern metal crew Wage War, is the latest in the journey of a band that consistently pushes and twists the blueprint of their sound. Chunky, polished riffs, colossal grooves, industrial elements and splashes of melody all weave their way into the mix on their latest offering as the Florida metallers pluck out the best elements of their solid back catalogue to create Stigma, an album which should satisfy Wage War fans both new and old. The current single “Nail5” sums up this polished effort offering both a respectful nod to the past while driving the band relentlessly forward into the next chapter of their career.

Pick up your copy of Stigma online here.

Until The Ribbon Breaks
‘V I S I T O R’
Vero Music

Until The Ribbon Breaks is the brainchild of Pete Lawrie Winfield with V I S I T O R being the third offering from the alternative pop project. Written during a period of “creative clarity resulting from his hard-won sobriety.”, the album is a haunting, sobering effort. A moody, atmospheric collection of songs, this alt-pop creation demands your undivided attention and, while by his own admission, the material of V I S I T O R wasn’t written with an album in mind, the result is one which, should you afford it the time and dedication, will reward your efforts tenfold.

Pick up your copy of online here.

‘Versus Entropy’

It’s been twelve years since Montréal melodic death metal crew Derelict last put out an album but, in Versus Entropy, the Canadian brutalists are back and, almost, picking up where they left off. “It’s melodic tech death with some brutal riff breaks, duelling solos, a lovely clean break, and an epic crescendo” they describe the album as and, listening to them slam through the likes of “Workhorse”, all fired up, it would feel to fans of the band like they had never been away. Having teased their return in 2022 with the crushing “Clear Cut” single, the Canadians emerge from their hiatus with a refreshed and raging fury.

Pick up your copy of Versus Entropy online here.

Foreign Hands
‘What’s Left Unsaid’
SharpTone Records

Forming over a devotion to early 2000s metalcore like Poison The Well, and Converge, Delaware-and-Pennsylvania-bred shredders Foreign Hands pay a massive tribute to the scene while bringing the sound screaming into 2024 with their new album Foreign Hands. Given their devotion to 2000s metalcore, the comparison to bands like Poison The Well is expected even by the band themselves however, there is something of a youthful energy to their abrasive, soaring rage which makes listening to this feel just as exciting as it was first time around.

Pick up your copy of What’s Left Unsaid online here.

I have an unhealthy obsession with bad horror movies, the song Wanted Dead Or Alive and crap British game shows. I do this not because of the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle it affords me but more because it gives me an excuse to listen to bands that sound like hippos mating.
