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Lucid Fly Releases Long-Awaited Single, “Fjord”

Lucid Fly releases their brand new single “Fjord,” marking their highly anticipated return to the music scene



Lucid Fly in 2024
Lucid Fly in 2024

Alternative/progressive rock band Lucid Fly releases their new single “Fjord,” marking their highly anticipated return to the music scene. This release, slated as their fifth offering, follows their last album, Building Castles In Air, in 2016.

“Fjord” represents a significant evolution for Lucid Fly, with guitarist Doug Mecca and vocalist Nikki Layne taking the helm in songwriting. The EP was born out of an experiment during the pandemic, as Mecca and Layne explored their creative potential with just a computer, without the support of a full band.

Upon completing the songwriting phase, Lucid Fly enlisted the Grammy-nominated producer/mixer Eric Emery, vocalist for Skyharbor, known for his work with artists such as Blink-182, Starset, and Periphery – to capture the essence of the band’s introspective journey. The EP was recorded at Apex Arts Studios in North Hollywood, CA.

The song’s sonic landscape was further enhanced by the masterful drumming of Jake Dick of Los Angeles, CA and the expertise of mastering engineer Tony Lindgren at Fascination Street Studios in Örebro, Sweden. The EP’s artwork was thoughtfully crafted by renowned graphic artist and illustrator Travis Smith (Seempieces), whose portfolio includes works for Katatonia, Devin Townsend, Opeth, and Anathema, Earthside among others.

“Fjord” serves as an exploration of self-discovery, confronting the unknown, and finding solace within oneself amidst the vastness of uncertainty. With haunting melodies and emotive vocals, Lucid Fly’s music becomes a primal expression, resonating with the universal longing for connection and healing.

Lucid Fly’s hope with “Fjord” is to reconnect with their devoted fanbase while also captivating new listeners with their signature intensity and intricate musical craftsmanship. Looking ahead, the band plans to recruit a bassist and drummer to perform the new music live, eager to immerse themselves once again in the music scene and share their passion with audiences worldwide.

Lucid Fly “Fjord” single artwork

Lucid Fly “Fjord” single artwork

Lover of all things music, Vanessa De La Rosa has been involved in the music scene most of her life in different capacities. All genres welcome, she is a past master in the art of "nerding-out" with music, and is excited to explore that passion by sharing the stories of artists everywhere. Fan of: Festivals, gear, music production, all genres, supporting artists, concerts, and merch!
