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Arto Vaun Premieres His Riveting Single “Build My Own Fever”

Singer-songwriter Arto Vaun has returned with the premiere of his new single “Build My Own Fever” from his new album ‘Stuck Inside a Map.’



Arto Vaun

When looking at it comprehensively, Arto Vaun’s career may seem unconventional. But it’s all made sense to him, with his debut album Stuck Inside a Map just on the horizon. We helped unveil the title track to the album just last month, and we’re pleased today to offer Vaun’s newest single, “Build My Own Fever.”

This is the third track to be revealed from Stuck Inside a Map, with the album expected in July. As we discussed in our premiere for “Stuck Inside a Map,” Vaun’s primary focus for over a decade was writing and academics. With that out of his system (for now), he’s happy to be doing something different. In fact, “Build My Own Fever” is very much centred around Vaun reassessing who he is and his ultimate purpose.

With a few words on the new song, Vaun tells us:

“I wrote ‘Build My Own Fever’ as a response to the sensory and information overload we’re all dealing with these days. Lately, it can feel like we’re in some kind of matrix where reality gets so blurred it leaves us feeling isolated and detached from ourselves and each other. It’s also as if 21st-century life is triggering something primordial in us—a deep sense of longing and a sort of collapse of past and future. ‘Build My Own Fever’ is about trying to regain a sense of self, genuine connection, and awareness.”

Most of Stuck Inside a Map was written during a six-year period when Vaun lived overseas. He was dealing with a lot of emotions during this time, grappling with loss, grief, and anger. He spent much of this time reclusively, but little by little, the album began to come together. For much of his life, Vaun felt like he was living in a fog. He had dealt with a lot of tragedy, personal upheaval, and PTSD, brought about by difficult experiences in his teens that lasted into his 30s. But then songwriting began to help him emerge from this state and also provided him with some much-needed perspective. Vaun is happy to be where he is right now, pursuing music as a serious songwriter with his mind much clearer than it’s been in a long time.

Arto Vaun “Build My Own Fever” single artwork

Arto Vaun “Build My Own Fever” single artwork
