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Track-by-Track: Along Came a Spider Discuss the Web that is ‘The Fall’ EP

Post-hardcore stars Along Came a Spider join us for a track-by-track rundown of their new EP ‘The Fall’ out today via Manic Kat Records.



Along Came A Spider
Along Came A Spider

For Along Came a Spider, their years of hard work have paid off with all the momentum they have built over the last few years. They released their breakthrough record, Blackhole, in 2021, their third studio album. It has received over two million streams and charted on four different Billboard charts since its release. This led to the band signing with Manic Kat Records last year, which coincided with the release of “Out of My Mind.”

They return today with the release of their new EP, The Fall. These are some of Along Came a Spider’s heaviest set of songs. Their combination of hard rock and post-hardcore has put them at the forefront of the heavy rock scene. The band’s thunderous breakdowns and atmospheric combination of vocals and instrumentals have earned them comparisons to Bring Me The Horizon and We Came As Romans. And their live show is second to none. They have supported Machine Gun Kelly, Slipknot, and Andrew W.K. and have also played on editions of the Inkarceration and Rockapalooza festivals.

With the EP out today, Along Came a Spider offers us a Track-by-Track rundown of the motivations and inspirations behind The Fall.

1. “The Fall”

“‘The Fall’ is about the slow, but seemingly uncontrollable, descent into hell when falling in love with someone who isn’t good for you. Instead of resisting what feels dangerous, you embrace it and choose to live in that hell with a person who’s convinced they’ve also fallen for you. You feel the connection outweighs the abuse and stay.”

2. “Morning Sun”

“‘Morning Sun’ is about seeing the oncoming destruction this relationship will result in and choosing to ignore that feeling in exchange for intensely passionate – albeit temperamental – romance. You and that person spend countless romantic nights together, sharing each other’s lives, knowing full well that in the morning, everything will change and burn in front of you.”

3. “Let Go”

“‘Let Go’ is about lacking in reinforcing your boundaries, losing your self-respect, and forgetting about your needs so the relationship can continue. You would rather feel temporary pleasure than the pain of losing the person entirely. You choose to let go of walls you’ve built over time so the two of you can attempt to keep the inevitably doomed relationship alive.”

4. “Apocalypse”

“‘Apocalypse’ is a self-reflective song about recognizing the person you fell in love with isn’t who you thought they were – or who you chose to believe they were. They’re now a ghost of themselves, and you feel as if you’re standing still with them in limbo. Unfortunately, that version of the person you thought you fell in love with still lingers within you, and it doesn’t ever seem to leave.”

Along Came A Spider ‘The Fall’ album artwork

Along Came A Spider ‘The Fall’ album artwork

5. “Back To Sleep”

“‘Back To Sleep’ expresses seeing that version of the person you fell in love with in your dreams, only to be reminded they were never that person to begin with. The deeper you fall into your unconscious mind, the more abuse, disrespect, and deception you find. You realize you’ve been attempting to be a conduit for their pain, and it’s destroying you.”

6. “Halo”

“‘Halo’ is about accepting the abusive, toxic cycle and having to watch both of your homes and lives crumble together. The push and pull of love and hate is addicting, and there’s a strange, misguided, romantic feeling about the idea of rotting away together in the hellscape you both created. The more you feed into it, the more pleasurable, but chaotic, it becomes. It ends with a small reflection, questioning whether or not this is truly what love is supposed to be. A glimmer of hope that there could be change in the future if that thought is ever explored.”

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