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Pumping Metal: Least We Got Shoes Guitarist Ben Martin Talks Cycling and Physical Fitness

Least We Got Shoes’ guitarist Ben Martin joins us for Pumping Metal, in which he discusses cycling, fitness, and his favourite workout routine.



Least We Got Shoes

Anticipation is building towards the release of Least We Got Shoes’ debut album, Chapter 1. Due out on May 26th, the band has started to create some buzz with the release of three singles. The most recent single released was “Too Late” last month, a reminder to hold tight to the things you have while you still have them. Lead singer Wayne Frear reminds you of the importance of cherishing the special moments with the ones closest to you. It’s a song for anyone who has ever had to contend with the fleeting nature of time (which we all have). As Frear reminds us, it’s best not to let the moment pass.

Least We Got Shoes specializes in the genre of “boxcar rock,” a genuine, unpolished form of rock. Working-class music that combines traditional rock, bluegrass, Americana, and folk. Frear guides the ship with his raw, down-to-earth lyrics complemented by Ben Martin’s blues-infused guitar playing. Chapter 1 comprises real-life stories with a free-spiritedness that will resonate with anyone who’s ever felt like an outsider. The band’s songs encourage you to confront harsh truths and be true to yourself and others.

We are joined today by guitarist Ben Martin for Pumping Metal. He discusses his interest in physical fitness and how it helps him as a musician.

Was there ever a point in your life when you were out of shape?

Ben Martin: “Yes, through most of my 20s! I spent a lot of time in the pub and didn’t really regard keeping fit as important.”

What did you learn about yourself when you started taking working out more seriously?

“The physical and mental benefits are massive. Getting out for a run or a cycle at 5:30 am on the roads, across the fields is a really fulfilling experience. You realize how much stamina and determination you have and how elated you can feel for a long time after achieving an ambitious goal.”

Which sport or exercise have you found the hardest? Did that come as a surprise?

“Cycling is definitely the most challenging. When you’re faced with hill after hill there is nowhere to hide, no breathers to be taken. It certainly did catch me by surprise when I first started.”

Ben Martin of Least We Got Shoes - cycling

Ben Martin of Least We Got Shoes – cycling

Gym playlist: top three tracks for when you have to dig deep.

“I love to listen to Idles whilst running. Certainly when trying to achieve a target, the tracks ‘King Snake’ and ‘New Sensation’ when enjoying a nice flat run then ‘Poster Child’ by Red Hot Chili Peppers.”

What’s your proudest achievement when it comes to fitness, health, and exercise?

“I completed the Le Petit depart – sportive around North Yorkshire… 80 miles in just over five hours.”

What’s the most memorable moment that you pushed through and succeeded?

“The last ten miles of a cycle out with a friend. I had no strength in my legs even in the lowest gear I could barely turn the pedals! Somehow I managed to focus, get my head down, and complete the ride.”

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about fitness and/or health?

“Ignore your knees. This came from a nurse.”

Morning, noon, evening, night… When do you like to exercise? Does it even matter?

“Definitely early morning for cycling because the roads are quieter then. In winter I like to run at night, it’s the perfect way to unwind after a busy day and sets you up perfectly for sleep.”

Ben Martin of Least We Got Shoes - at race

Ben Martin of Least We Got Shoes – at race

Least We Got Shoes "Too Late" single artwork

Least We Got Shoes “Too Late” single artwork
