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Bella Gate Slides into Summer with Latest Single “Sleepwalking”

Rising singer -songwriter Bella Gate has captivated audiences once again with her latest single “Sleepwalking.”



Bella Gate, photo by Grace Campbell
Bella Gate, photo by Grace Campbell

Rising singer-songwriter Bella Gate has captivated audiences again with her latest single, “Sleepwalking,” a poignant exploration of the tumultuous journey through teenage love and self-discovery.

Bella Gate is a 23-year-old Edinburgh/London-based artist who has been honing her craft since the tender age of nine and recording her musical journey since she turned 16. Her music has taken her to various corners of the world, particularly Barcelona, where she recorded her first album at Sol de Sants and RoomTo studios. Notably, her debut single and the album were mastered at the iconic Abbey Road Studios by the esteemed Geoff Pesche.

Bella explains who this track would relate to:

“This song is for anyone who looks back on their teenage years and sees mistakes and chaotic love. This song isn’t about regret or blame, it’s about love and life.”

“Sleepwalking” delves into the complexities of adolescent relationships, where emotions run high and clarity seems elusive. Throughout the song, she confronts the confusion and disorientation that often accompany youthful infatuation. As she reflects on the past, Bella embraces the idea that sometimes, letting go is the greatest act of self-love.

With a plethora of music set to be released throughout 2024, Bella Gate is poised to make a lasting impression on the music scene. Listen to “Sleepwalking” on all streaming platforms now.

Bella Gate “Sleepwalking” single artwork

Bella Gate “Sleepwalking” single artwork

Lover of all things music, Vanessa De La Rosa has been involved in the music scene most of her life in different capacities. All genres welcome, she is a past master in the art of "nerding-out" with music, and is excited to explore that passion by sharing the stories of artists everywhere. Fan of: Festivals, gear, music production, all genres, supporting artists, concerts, and merch!
