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Monotronic Shine with the Premiere of Their New Single “Sun Song”

Monotronic, the brainchild of Ramsey Elkholy, premieres their brand new single “Sun Song” from their upcoming album ‘Waiting For You.’



Monotronic, photo by Adriana Mesén
Monotronic, photo by Adriana Mesén

Despite leading the way, Ramsey Elkholy has always viewed Monotronic as a creation where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The New York City indie band reemerges today with the premiere of their new single “Sun Song.”

The song is an early statement from the group regarding what they have been working on lately. It comes ahead of their long-awaited new album, Waiting For You, coming in early 2025. “Sun Song” is a subdued yet still punchy guitar track that incorporates Elkholy’s diverse musical tastes with its electronic undertones and high-quality production.

Discussing the creative process behind “Sun Song,” Elkholy shares with us:

“I had been playing the opening guitar riff on the sofa for many months without any lyrics or concept. I think I was riffing on Nirvana’s ‘All Apologies’ initially, which then morphed into something else. And then one morning before heading to the studio I played the riff and out came ‘I don’t want to lose a minute of sleep, lying in bed and wondering what could have been.’

“At that point, I knew I had a concept and the song kind of took off from there. We tracked most of the instrumental that day and the lyrics were finished about a week later. The song kind of wrote itself. And the outro lyric ‘waiting for you’ actually became the title of the record.”

Since its early days, Elkholy has designed Monotronic to be a concept where each instrument continues the other. The music is meant to sound as a distinct whole, all emanating from a single source. Elkohly takes a very hands-on approach to Monotronic, overseeing the direction of the band, producing the songs, and even producing the music videos. He has made it a point of emphasis to incorporate the sounds of other cultures into the band. Much of this inspiration comes from the time he spent travelling the world. Elkholy spent two years backpacking through India and Southeast Asia. He studied Indian music in Calcutta and lived among the Orang Rimba tribe in Indonesia for two years.

The Orang Rimba tribe values a collective mode of life where the group is favoured over the individual. Everything is shared, and each member has input. This approach continues to guide Elkholy where the “collective” is there to benefit the “parts.”

Monotronic “Sun Song” single artwork

Monotronic “Sun Song” single artwork
