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Cash Langdon Confirms New LP ‘Sinister Feeling’; Unveils “That Kid” Music Video

Cash Langdon is pleased to announce the October 14th release of his new record, ‘Sinister Feeling’ (Earth Libraries) and debut of the new music video for the album’s first single, “That Kid.”



Musical artists always have a way of returning to their roots. They start and find success which leads them somewhere else, but eventually, they return to what feels right. It was in his hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, that Cash Langdon learned how to be a musician, so it would only feel right to do an album that sorts through his feelings on the place in which he grew up.

Today, Langdon is pleased to announce the release of his new record, Sinister Feeling, which will be released on October 14th via Earth Libraries. To coincide with the full-length announcement, we are also helping to unveil the new music video for the album’s first single, “That Kid.” Remaining true to his DIY roots, the clip has a home video vibe about it, featuring Langdon performing the song in and around a country home with nothing much more than himself and his guitar.

Describing the song to us, Langdon states:

“‘That Kid’ is about feeling helpless in a situation when you most want to help someone. It was the first song written for the album and laid the groundwork for a lot of what the rest of the album would be about. Inescapable pessimism, family and necessary distance from home are all things touched on in the song as well as elsewhere across Sinister Feeling.”

Previously, Langdon was living in Washington, D.C., relocating from Birmingham because of a feeling of alienation he was feeling from his hometown. By 2020, he began thinking of relocating again, and it just felt right to return home for its vibrant art scene and that small town camaraderie he found himself missing. Within that reevaluation, he began to feel differently about Birmingham, less critical and more comfortable with the thought of being there. Most of this was done even before he physically moved back in April 2021.

Artwork for the album ‘Sinister Feeling’ by Cash Langdon

Sinister Feeling is somewhat cynical in nature, discussing worker exploitation, climate change, and Birmingham’s gentrification. But there’s also an optimistic tone to it, paying homage to the music of Langdon’s youth, country music and classic rock, and coming to terms with the Southern lifestyle. The South feels more natural to Langdon now that he is older, wiser, and has experienced a different way of life, which has also made him a better, more experienced musician.

Sinister Feeling Track Listing:

1. That Kid
2. Hearts Feel Wild
3. Dichotomy
4. Ten
5. Birds
6. Magic Earth
7. Etowah
8. Hate Is an Object
9. A Certain Place
10. Invisible Gun

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