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Cinematic Metallers Opensight List 5 Reasons Why ‘Die Hard’ IS a Christmas Movie

It’s a statement that has caused many arguments so time for cinematic metallers Opensight on why they think Die Hard IS a Christmas movie.



It’s not surprising knowing that the members of Opensight are championing Die Hard as their top Christmas film of all time. With a sound that is strongly inspired by film scores and genre cinema, the band just finished the year by releasing their last single of the year: the hard-boiled action and crime-film-inspired “Plot Twist.”

Celebrating the end of the year with a video clip that tries to emulate a Grindhouse-style action trailer, the band is still in “high octane” mode for Christmas and is happy to tell us why they think Die Hard is indeed a Christmas film.

Comments the band:

“Let’s settle the argument once and for all. Die Hard IS a Christmas movie. And not only a Christmas movie, but it is also the BEST Christmas movie there is (Sorry Gremlins and Lethal Weapon, you are relegated to second and third places). Here are just a few points, among many, many arguments, but these should be enough. Welcome to the party pal!”

1. The story of one person making the world a better place

“We see the difference that a single person can make in the world. John McClane is an ordinary guy who does the right thing, facing all sorts of odds and difficulties in order to save the day for his loved ones and also for people he doesn’t even know. Just like It’s A Wonderful Life. A classic Christmas theme.”

2. Christmas is intrinsic to the plot

“John McClane travels to LA to see his family for Christmas. The Christmas vibe and festivities turn security a little more relaxed, making it vulnerable for the villains to come and take over the building. When something bad like this happens during Christmas it becomes a story that affects everyone outside of the building.

“There are discussions about the implications for Christmas, such as the authorities taking into account shutting down the power of several neighbourhoods during Christmas, the bad guys relying on a ’Christmas miracle’ to open the last lock of the vault, and so on. Placing a terrorist/heist story in Christmas turns it into an event that affects everyone in the city. Everyone is watching on the edge of their seats waiting to see how this day is going to be saved.”

3. It has Christmas elements

“Christmas decorations, Christmas songs, and references. McClane displays his Christmas spirit by sending Karl’s (Alexander Godunov) brother down the elevator with a Christmas hat and a declaration of war message (HO – HO – HO). The tone of the movie is also celebratory at the beginning during the Christmas party, and also at the end when Christmas is finally saved.”

4. People turning Die Hard into a Christmas tradition

“It is us, the audience, who have embraced the movie and have placed it as one of our important Christmas traditions. Many of the things we consider timeless Christmas traditions today were also gradually adopted and a lot of them differ from country to country. Die Hard has become one of those traditions that has gone across different countries and cultures.”

5. Becoming a Christmas movie effortlessly

“Some people argue that Die Hard originally came out during the summer, and it wasn’t ’meant’ to be a Christmas movie. This actually says a lot about the power of the film. Spontaneously picked by people as their Christmas movie and it was effortless! This is how true traditions are born. The filmmakers didn’t really mean to make money off of it as a Christmas movie, WE made it a Christmas movie! That’s part of its beauty.”


I have an unhealthy obsession with bad horror movies, the song Wanted Dead Or Alive and crap British game shows. I do this not because of the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle it affords me but more because it gives me an excuse to listen to bands that sound like hippos mating.

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