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Album Review

The Silenced

Self-Titled [EP] (2006)



First thing that comes to mind when you hear The Silenced’s self-titled EP? “Wicked.” Five tracks later? “Shit. It’s over.” It’s okay, Friend… just put the album on repeat! Usually I wouldn’t be able to listen to this short of an album over and over again without getting sick of it in the first hour or so, but this EP’s a welcome exception.

The Silenced is based out of Toronto – but who isn’t lately? – and consists of four members: Kevin Ker (rhythm guitar and mad lyricist), Ryan Clifford (additional vocals and lead guitarist extraordinaire), Shawn Royal (slappin’ dem skinz), & Neil Tyrrell (crazy-good bassist from the land of crazy-good bassists? … RIP Creativity. I barely knew ye!)

The first track on the album is called “The Never Ending Fall”, and there’s only one word I can think of to describe it – Addictive. The beat is very much like the one for “Good Times” by Finger Eleven, which is still one of my favourite songs. The lead guitar is wicked, and although it may set some pretty high expectations for songs to come, this album meets those initial expectations 110%.

Second song? “Mischievous.” This song features less prominence for the drums, and a lot more focus on vocal harmonies. Very different, equally awesome. Actually, that’s one thing (well, one of many) that’s absolutely incredible with this album – no Billy Ray Cyrus complex. Every song has a fresh sound; that’s probably why I haven’t gotten sick of it. That and it’s a wicked good album.

Next, it’s ballad time, in the form of “Sense of Vacancy.” I use the term ballad rather loosely… the band doesn’t let you down and go all Lovey McNoballs. Kevin Ker’s voice still has that dirty grunge sound which, combined with the hauntingly distorted music, prevents the song from sounding even remotely puss-like. Quite possibly my favourite song off the EP, but that’ll probably change in about 10 minutes. I’m way too indecisive.

The last two songs, “Weight” and “Mary O’Nette”, pick up the pace once more. The intro for “Weight” has an acoustic-esque sound to it, then the song gradually picks up. Sitting between the ever-so-slightly more mellow “Sense of Vacancy” and the hard-hitting “Mary O’Nette”, it makes a great transitional song. You’re not left with the shock that sometimes happens when a faster-paced song follows a slower one; it flows smoothly.

All in all, this is a fantastic album. It leaves a very high standard for the band’s next album to surpass, but I don’t have the slightest doubt in my mind that The Silenced will continue to wow their current fans while picking up new ones along the way. Something big’s about to happen with this band… I can feel it.  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. The Never Ending Fall
02. Mischievious
03. Sense Of Vacancy
04. Weight
05. Mary O’Nette

Run Time: 20:53
