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Lynne Hanson Premieres ‘Just a Poet,’ Her New Album via Panda Cave Records

Singer-songwriter Lynne Hanson returns with the premiere of her new album ‘Just a Poet’ ahead of its release tomorrow via Panda Cave Records.



Lynne Hanson, photo by Jen Squires
Lynne Hanson, photo by Jen Squires

When you’re ten albums into your songwriting career like Lynne Hanson is, you probably know which direction you want to go in. That was very much the case on her brand new record Just A Poet, set for release tomorrow via Panda Cave Records. She is back together again with Jim Bryson who produced her 2020 album Just Words.

Having already established a prior relationship, Bryson understood what Hanson wanted to do with this new record. The songs are distinctively indie but with a rougher edge that fans have come to expect from Hanson. It’s a change of pace from her last record, Ice Cream in November. That album was more experimental in terms of production and songwriting. Just A Poet finds Hanson back in her comfort zone.

Commenting on the record itself, Hanson states:

Just A Poet is my tenth studio album so I’ve been at this music thing for a while now. I decided to work with producer Jim Bryson on this record. I think he has a really unique indie sensibility that complements the songs I write. For people who have been following me, I’ve definitely experimented a little stylistically over the past couple of years, and this record really sees me return to my Americana songwriting roots.”

Hanson has been referred to as “Canada’s own Queen of Americana.” And Just A Poet makes that very apparent. It’s a very meat and potatoes record, with just the goods and no fluff. It’s gritty in the way her earlier work was, a type of sound that you may refer to as “front porch music.” Her music has a bluesiness, but not in a modern sense. It’s more of a classic blues vibe, the feel and sound typical of the genre’s forefathers.

Hanson, like any songwriter with a long career, has evolved a lot since her first album release. The focus and point of view of her songs have really changed in that time. Discussing this evolution, she comments:

“I’ve actually been referred to as a ‘heartbreak poet’ by one reviewer, and I absolutely love sad songs. But I think I’ve grown past being just a writer of hurting songs. When I first started out, it was definitely all about me. It was my heartache and my point of view that was being used to capture the emotions that I was singing about. I think I’ve matured as a songwriter, and as a result I’m writing more generally about the human experience.

“But whether I’m singing about heartbreak, self love, or the passage of time, I’m always hoping listeners can connect to my music because they see little bits of themselves in the stories that I tell. And while I love a catchy melody, I’m definitely known for my lyrics, as I try and create a little micro movie that the listener ‘sees’ while they listen to each tune.

“As much as I love the recording process, I’m looking forward to playing these songs live for people over the next year, and we have plans to tour in Canada, the U.S., Europe, and the United Kingdom.”

In her view, Just A Poet contains some of her most honest work, which makes it a rather emotional record. Hanson has always made it a point of wearing her heart on her sleeve within her songwriting. There are plenty of songs about heartbreak which is a subject matter that she excels with. It’s why her music resonates so well with her audience because at the heart of it, she is really “just a poet.”

Lynne Hanson is ‘Just a Poet’ album artwork

Lynne Hanson is ‘Just a Poet’ album artwork
