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L.A. DRUGZ Reissues Their Acclaimed EP ‘Outside Place’

L.A. DRUGZ reissues their acclaimed EP ‘Outside Place’ via Hovercraft Records from Portland, Oregon. Originally released in 2013.



L.A. DRUGZ, photo by Emilio Venegas
L.A. DRUGZ, photo by Emilio Venegas

L.A. DRUGZ reissues their acclaimed EP Outside Place via Hovercraft Records from Portland, Oregon. Originally released in 2013, the EP quickly gained recognition as a power pop classic, earning the band a devoted fanbase. The group, featuring Justin Maurer from CLOROX GIRLS and SUSPECT PARTS, James Carman of MANIAC, TELEPHONE LOVERS, THE REFLECTORS, and IMAGES, Cezar Mora from BAD MACHINE, and Johnny “JD” Reyes, formerly of IMAGES and BAD MACHINE, forms a punk/power pop supergroup with a unique musical identity.

Inspired by the dissolution of CLOROX GIRLS in 2010, Maurer, along with Cezar Mora and James Carman, embarked on crafting original songs under the moniker LA DRUGZ. The band’s debut EP, Outside Place, originally released by Hovercraft Records, is making a comeback for its 10-year anniversary edition reissue. The EP’s sound seamlessly blends classic power pop with melodic ’70s punk, drawing influences from a diverse range of bands such as THE NERVES, BUZZCOCKS, THE KIDS, and more. With infectious tracks like “Ooh Ooh Ooh” and “Marina,” the EP showcases Maurer’s talent for crafting memorable pop songs. Produced by the band in Calimucho, Kevin Carle’s home studio, and mastered by Daniel Hadji Husayn at North London Bomb Factory, the EP delivers a warm analog sound perfect for vinyl enthusiasts.

Their music video for the song Outside Place draws inspiration from the ’80s punk film “Repo Man,” humorously recreating iconic scenes across Los Angeles. Featuring cameos from members of bands like IMAGES, THE REFLECTORS, MANIAC, SUSPECT PARTS, CUTE LEPERS, and CLOROX GIRLS, the video is directed by Brett Roberts, with Ardavon Fatehi as the director of photography and FX by Noel Taylor. Produced by Justin Maurer, formerly of CLOROX GIRLS, the video adds a visual punch to the EP’s release.

Maurer befriended filmmaker Brett Roberts in the early 2000s in Portland, where Roberts had been creating music videos for bands such as MEAN JEANS, POISON IDEA, and LONG KNIFE. Roberts shot the video for Outside Place in as many locations from “Repo Man” as possible, even illegally shooting sans permit in the L.A. River. Shortly after filming, Justin’s Hyundai Accent was ironically repossessed due to being a couple of months behind in payments. Outside Place would later be featured in the Liz W. Garcia film “The Lifeguard,” in a scene where Kristen Bell recklessly drives a Jeep through a field in Connecticut.

L.A. DRUGZ ‘Outside Place’ (10 Year Anniversary Edition) album artwork

L.A. DRUGZ ‘Outside Place’ (10 Year Anniversary Edition) album artwork

Lover of all things music, Vanessa De La Rosa has been involved in the music scene most of her life in different capacities. All genres welcome, she is a past master in the art of "nerding-out" with music, and is excited to explore that passion by sharing the stories of artists everywhere. Fan of: Festivals, gear, music production, all genres, supporting artists, concerts, and merch!

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