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devices Premiere Their Art-Rock Single “Headspace”

Indie band devices today unveil their new song “Headspace,” the first single from their debut EP ‘Husband #1’ due out via Red Tongue Music.



devices, photo by Tirtha Lawati
devices, photo by Tirtha Lawati

Classic indie rock charm is fully and completely on display on devices’ brand new single “Headspace.” The art rock quartet unveil the first taste of their debut EP Husband #1, ahead of its release on May 31st via Red Tongue Music.

The band feels tight for a first single and is certainly well put together. It speaks to the natural chemistry that they have been engineering since their original formation in the summer of 2022. Their vibe probably has something to do with their collaborative songwriting process. They all equally contribute to the tone and tenor of the band, one filled with passion, joy, and a lot of wit and humour.

Discussing the process behind writing the song, lead singer Robin Footitt comments:

“‘Headspace’ took some work to get right, it explains so much of how we operate as a band; it joined devices before I did! What was existing as an interesting and dynamic harmonic instrumental shifted once I started adding lyrics and melody. I picked up on what I heard to be heartbeats in the kick drum and the tides of bass. I listened to a friend’s suggestion of writing about false first impressions given by the opinions of others when he met someone was interested in.

“So, you have these parts tumbling, rolling back and forth as a counterpoint to the delicate guitar, and then we all shift position and attack the chorus which has my favourite line, ‘I think, I thought, you implied to me somehow. His eyes reminded you of caves. I echo, I listen, I reason him away.’”

The cleverly titled Husband #1 is named after Footitt’s conversation with a stranger at the British Museum. He was speaking to a woman named Alexis looking for ‘Husband #4.’ There’s a humour to naming it Husband #1 as if they are already looking for the next one. There are many pace and tonal changes throughout the EP, shifting between onslaughts of guitars, bass, and drums and playful moments of story and concept. The songs are a product of the band members challenging their own musical experiences growing up, which would, at times, conflict with their sexuality (all four members are gay) and with their international upbringings. Bassist Martin Llavallol grew up in Argentina, while guitarist Fadi Borgi was raised in Lebanon and France.

Being in the band has felt liberating for each member. They feel good about the bond they have formed and are empowered through the power of the music they are writing.

Husband #1 Track Listing:

1. Afterlife
2. Cap It Off
3. Headspace
4. M*n
5. Zeros & Ceilings

Tour Dates:

06/12 – The Night Owl, Finsbury Park, London, UK
07/21 – The Albany, Great Portland Street, London, UK

devices ‘Husband #1’ album artwork, by Robin Footitt

devices ‘Husband #1’ album artwork, by Robin Footitt
