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Interview with Three Miles Out frontman Ken Voll

Cleveland-based rockers Three Miles Out released their third disc on April 29th, 2008 titled Nobody. They have shared the stage with big name bands such as Boston, 3 Doors Down, and Styx and now are preparing to hit the road in support of their new record. This album has lots of very catchy hooks and even more cool guitars. Fans of good old Rock and Roll will not be disappointed. Enigmatic frontman…



Cleveland-based rockers Three Miles Out released their third disc on April 29th, 2008 titled Nobody. They have shared the stage with big name bands such as Boston, 3 Doors Down, and Styx and now are preparing to hit the road in support of their new record. This album has lots of very catchy hooks and even more cool guitars. Fans of good old Rock and Roll will not be disappointed. Enigmatic frontman Ken Voll recently took some time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions about the new release and the bands approach to songwriting.

Your brand new CD titled Nobody was released on April 29th. Now that it is complete how do you feel about it? Are yousatisfied with the outcome?
Ken: Relieved. (lol) We could not be happier with this release. Only the best versions of each song went onto the disc, and sonically it is very pleasing to listen to. We are all extremely satisfied with this disc.

What can fans expect when they pick up a copy of Nobody?
Ken: Thirteen great songs, no cereal fillers, we used some new techniques in production to make a more interesting product. We also had it mastered at a very prestigious studio in Nashville which made the end result almost mesmerizing.

Different groups have unique ways of writing their songs. How do you guys go about writing your music? Is it a collective effort or is it more the efforts of one particular member of the band?
Ken: Everyone has their input to the process. Mark or I usually bring in the main idea or melody and we all expand on those. We always attempt to at least try every idea to see if it should be incorporated or not.

Every band has its musical influences. What are some of the other bands and artists that have greatly influenced you guys and your music?
Ken: That is a tough question. We all have really broad influences, which is one reason we appeal to such a wide fan base. I could probably fill most of a page with just my influences.

The name of the band Three Miles Out is interesting to say the least and sounds as if there is a story behind it. Where did the name come from and what is the story?
Ken: I witnessed a Navy Seal training exercise while in Virginia Beach, where they dropped these guys three miles out at sea at night and they had to find their way in. This was based on a conversation I had with a couple of them.

Are there any tracks on Nobody that are favorites or that have good stories behind them?
Ken: I really love all the songs on the disc. One story that would be easy to relate is behind “Master Plan”, it was written while on a trip inside the Grand Canyon. There was an unbelievably, undeniable spiritualness about the experience.

What is the toughest lesson you ever learned in the studio and on the stage?
Ken: In the studio it would have to be timing. You really want your disc to have a live “feel” but you cannot sacrifice timing. From the stage I think you have to have the ability to laugh at yourself rather than be over critical.

What benchmarks do you use to determine when you’ve written a good song or to determine that a song is finished?
Ken: There is a whole process we go through to make sure that the final, best version of each song goes onto the disc. We make sure that every idea is at least tried before we say it goes into the song or not. This takes some discipline because a lot of times after you write a song and start playing it out, you may find yourselves a little reluctant to make changes. Working with producer Lawrence Gelburd was instrumental to ensuring this process took place.

You guys have been in the business for a long time now. How do you think the internet and sites like MySpace have impacted the industry and your band? Do you think that downloading of songs helps or hinders the artist?
Ken: I think that the internet has had a huge, positive impact on the music industry, especially for independent bands. There is so much great music being written, that up until now only a few people would have a say in what could or should be listened to. I understand that illegal downloading can be detrimental to sales, but as far as my feelings, I want as many people as possible to hear our songs. If your friend has a copy, have them burn you one, or go ahead and put some songs out there to download (just do not tell anyone I said it was OK).

What is next for Three Miles Out?
Ken: Playing live to support Nobody. The writing process has already begun for the next disc and we have great promotion and legal support to help push the new material to take it to the next level.  [ END ]

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