"I Am God," a brand new song from doomy heavy metallers Exorcism, who feature in their ranks guitarist Joe "Shredlord" Stump, can be streamed now. The...
"Stay In Hell", a brand new song from Exorcism, featuring Joe "Shredlord" Stump (Raven Lord, Holy Hell) on guitars and Csaba Zvekan (Raven Lord, Zvekan, ex-Killing...
"Zero G", a brand new song from doomy heavy metallers Exorcism, who feature in their ranks guitarist Joe "Shredlord" Stump (Raven Lord, Zvekan, Holyhell), can be...
"Voodoo Jesus", a brand new song from doomy heavy metallers Exorcism, who feature Joe "Shredlord" Stump in their ranks, can be streamed above. The track is...