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Anciients Announce ‘Beyond the Reach of the Sun’ Record Release Shows

Anciients have announced release shows for their upcoming, highly-anticipated third album, ‘Beyond the Reach of the Sun.’



ANCIIENTS, photo by Shimon
ANCIIENTS, photo by Shimon

After eight years of soul-searching deep within the Canadian wilderness, Anciients are back and ascending toward their rightful place as guiding lights for progressive metal. The JUNO Award winners recently announced their highly-anticipated third album.

To celebrate the coming of their LP Beyond the Reach of the Sun, this fall, Kenny Cook, Mike Hannay and the band’s new axe men Brock MacInnes and Rory O’Brien will play three record release shows in their native British Columbia. This special run includes one night at The Rickshaw Theatre in the band’s hometown of Vancouver.

“We are beyond excited to play our new album in a live setting for the very first time,” Cook says about the band’s upcoming shows. “It’s going to be epic! More show announcements are coming soon”.

Anciients will be supported by five fellow Canadian bands: metal-punks Fearbirds, progressive metalheads Black Thunder, metal stoners Waingro, thrashy death metal trio Bloodrhine and post-metal doomsayers Empress.

Anciients ‘Beyond the Reach of the Sun’ Record Release Shows:

September 20 – Victoria, BC @ Lucky Bar with Fearbirds and Black Thunder – TICKETS
September 21 – Nanaimo, BC @ The Queens with Fearbirds and Black Thunder – TICKETS
September 27 – Vancouver, BC @ The Rickshaw Theatre with Waingro, Bloodrhine and Empress – TICKETS

Anciients ‘Beyond the Reach of the Sun’ album artwork

Anciients ‘Beyond the Reach of the Sun’ album artwork

Lover of all things music, Vanessa De La Rosa has been involved in the music scene most of her life in different capacities. All genres welcome, she is a past master in the art of "nerding-out" with music, and is excited to explore that passion by sharing the stories of artists everywhere. Fan of: Festivals, gear, music production, all genres, supporting artists, concerts, and merch!
