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Interview with Second Thief

Hard hitting, in-your-face metalcore with a twist, Second Thief are poised to take on the metal community with their brand of music. Their first full length album is set to be released on Nashville based Alien Patrol Records on November 30th, 2007. I recently had an opportunity to catch up with the guys in the band and discuss their music and what makes them stand out from the rest.



Hard hitting, in-your-face metalcore with a twist, Second Thief are poised to take on the metal community with their brand of music. Their first full length album is set to be released on Nashville based Alien Patrol Records on November 30th, 2007. I recently had an opportunity to catch up with the guys in the band and discuss their music and what makes them stand out from the rest.

What is the significance of the band name Second Thief?
Second Thief: When Jesus died, he was hanging between two thieves; one cursed him and denied his being God, the other believed in him. We want to be like the Second Thief, hence the name.

What are some of the other bands or artists which have greatly influenced you guys and your music?
Second Thief: Lately, we have been enjoying Job for a Cowboy’s new CD as well as Between the Buried And Me’s new CD. But as far as musical influences, there are so many it would be impossible to name. You can definitely pick out bits of influences from different artists that we like if one were to listen closely.

Many of your songs are so hard and intense that I’m sure they translate well into a live environment taking on a whole new life in front of an audience. How does it make you feel when the emotion or power which you envisioned when recording a song comes to life when playing in front of a crowd?
Second Thief: There is that raw passionate energy that comes from playing a song live that definitely isn’t in the studio. It is the best feeling in the world to play a new song live for the first time and have a good reaction. There’s always a bit of an extra rush that comes with it as well.

Tell me about a book or two that you’ve read that you think other people should read? Why?
Second Thief: “Thr3e” by Ted Dekker. Aside from being my favorite book of all time, it boils down the Christian message in an edgy way that not many people are willing to do. Plus, I love psychological thrillers.

What message, if any, do you want them to walk away with after listening to your record?
Second Thief: If the kids walk away with something, we want it to be that Christianity isn’t about strict rigid rules or church, and it isn’t boring or dull. We Christians can lay down some stinkin’ heavy metal with the best of them! Also, we hope that our actions outside of the stage speak about our character as well; that we are genuine and not just talking about Christ because it’s… cool or the thing to do these days or whatever.

What has been the most memorable moment of your career so far?
Second Thief: Wow! The first night of the tour, the place we were staying in had an electrical short of some kind. It ended up starting a house fire. That was scary. There was no one else staying with us that night so we didn’t know what to do and we were panicking. We remembered 911 and called them. The place ended up burning basically down but we personally weren’t hurt, although our clothes and personal stuff was. We named a song after it called “Jasper Fire” which will be on the new CD.

What is in your car stereo?
Second Thief: The Heart of Everything by Within Temptation.

What was your first concert ever?
Second Thief: I wasn’t in the band at the time, but a birthday party in a dude’s backyard.

How do you think your live performances are different from your albums?
Second Thief: An album must be diverse enough to not bore the listener. That means having a mix of everything from hard to chill. Live, sometimes a song that works well on the CD but may not be a good choice to perform live. Usually, the songs we play at a show are really upbeat and/or heavy to get people energetic. We can also minister live to kids in a way we can’t on the CD for obvious reasons.

When you begin to write a song, what inspires you?
Second Thief: If I am digging a band at a certain time, usually a song ends up having the same atmosphere as the band I’m digging. That doesn’t always happen though, sometimes we just start jamming as a band with just a riff to start and it evolves from there.

What does the near future hold for you guys as a band?
Second Thief: We just signed with The Alien Patrol, a label in Nashville. We are stoked about that, and they are planning a winter tour as we speak. We are working on putting out Threshold, our full length CD. That is where most of our focus is going into right now. It will hit iTunes this fall and will be physically released November 30th through The Alien Patrol.

I am an admirer of James Lipton and the Bravo show “Inside the Actors Studio”, every night at the conclusion of his interview he asks the guest the same ten questions. I would like to close this interview by proposing them to you?

What is your favorite word?
Second Thief: “No.”

What is your least favorite word?
Second Thief: “Rastafarian.”

What turns you on creatively, spiritually: What turns you off?
Second Thief: Creatively, any band that can manage to sound different. Spiritually, anytime a band has the guts to stand strong for what they believe in no matter what people think….

What is your favorite curse word?
Second Thief: That would have to be… b-tch. The funniest sounding word ever.

What sound or noise do you love?
Second Thief: Good singing.

What profession other than our own would you like to attempt?
Second Thief: Criminal Justice.

What profession would you like not to do?
Second Thief: Doctor. No way.

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
Second Thief: “Well done!”

What advice would you give new musicians who want to get started in the business?
Second Thief: Be as professional as possible in whatever you do, and don’t settle when you can have better.  [ END ]

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