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Quick & Dirty: Nessa P Answers a Collection of Random Questions

Hot off releasing her new EP ‘Only Love,’ musician Nessa P joins us for a session of Quick & Dirty to answer a bunch of random questions.



Nessa P, photo by Eric Rivera
Nessa P, photo by Eric Rivera

Summer is the season of love and Nessa P is here to remind us of that. The singer-songwriter released her latest EP ,Only Love on May 14th, a grand showcase of her evolving artistry. The EP puts on display a more confident artist with a more fully realized sound. The songs are a mixture of modern indie electronic and disco sounds of the past with some pinpoint production. Each song paints a vivid picture of personal experiences from her past, along with broader reflections on those occurrences in Nessa P’s life. As a grouping of songs, the EP plays like a narrative journey where you’ll feel like you’re really getting to know Nessa as an artist.

Throughout the EP, Nessa moulds that narrative in a way that reflects her personal journeys and growth along the way. The songs are not only entertaining but they resonate with the listener on an emotional level. Only Love is an appropriate title as it explores the many complexities of what we consider love. Love features wonderful moments, but also difficult challenges. It’s transformative in so many ways and Nessa attempts to investigate these intricacies in her own unique way.

Today, Nessa P joins us for our latest Quick & Dirty interview. Get to know the artist in a way you wouldn’t anywhere else!

What do you think is your greatest accomplishment?

Nessa P: “My personal greatest accomplishment in life is learning to be content. You can chase a million goal posts, and lose yourself. I did that too. You can be a billionaire and blow your brains out, you have to learn to be at peace with where you are, and who you are. I am finally comfortable in my own skin.”

If you lived in a city in medieval times, what would you be doing?

“Nothing great, I’m a woman from a poor family. So chances are, if I was from my same background, and I was still rocking a vagina I would be; a serf, I’d crank out like six kids, and then I’d die around age 38 from the cold.”

What is the worst kind of gift?

“The worst gift that you can give anyone, is the ‘regift!’ Please do not regift, a gift someone gave to you, that is bad juju. You can hand it off to a friend and say, ‘I didn’t like this gift I got, would you like it?’ But please people, don’t give someone that gift rewrapped, in place of a meaningful gift that they are hoping you buy for them.”

If you could erase one thing from your memory what would it be?

“I have no desire to erase any of my memories at all. I only have so much time on this earth, good or bad, those brain cells imprinted with my memories are not just physically me, they created the person I am today. It would be like deleting a scene to a movie and leaving nothing in that space, something missing will detract from the whole.”

Nessa P "Only Love" single artwork

Nessa P “Only Love” single artwork

What’s something you know isn’t real, but wish existed?

“Advanced space travel, like in the movies. I have always feared the idea of having to get in a spaceship and ditch Earth, but I realize that I am very fascinated by that entire topic.”

What’s your favourite article of clothing that you own?

“It’s a knitted blue and grey cardigan that I bought in Santa Cruz, California when I was in college. They had an Urban Outfitters downtown on Pacific Ave., and my friends would always go in there and buy stuff. I never had any money to get anything, but one day I was browsing the clearance section and they had that bad boy on clearance. I wanna say it was an 80-dollar item I got for 15 bucks.”

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

“It’s either a swimming or a flying animal. I have had extremely vivid dreams of being able to fly or to be able to swim to the ocean floor. Both sort of seem limitless and peaceful in their own way. I’d be a dolphin or a hawk.”

What historical event would you most like to have experienced firsthand?

“I’ve been told that I am probably wrong about this, but the original Woodstock would have been a vibe. I’d like to imagine myself as being one of the couples out there that was barely making it through, but being so in love and having the experience of a lifetime that it wouldn’t even matter.”

Nessa P "(Gotta) Do This" single artwork

Nessa P “(Gotta) Do This” single artwork

What is something that no one else seems to care very much about but drives you irrationally mad?

“Americans driving on highways/freeways. Slow drivers never yield to faster traffic and stay in the fast lane. So we have to use the slow lane as a slow lane and a passing lane. Someone out there is going to read this and say, ‘Oh she’s probably not the best driver, you never pass in the slow lane.’ That’s my point, when you’re on a two-lane highway and the driver decides to do 60 in the fast lane and won’t yield, you have no choice but to try to get around them.

“For the life of me, I do not understand why at the speed limit, or slow drivers won’t just get in the slow lane. The worst defence is that they are going the speed limit, and it’s not their job to regulate someone else’s speed, they become a literal hazard on the road.

“The other is the zipper merge. Please people do not line up in a situation where there should be a zipper merge, and don’t try to block zipper mergers out because you think they are ‘cutting the line.’ It’s a road we share, and there is a reason they make zipper merge lanes. Don’t even get me started on roundabouts because, if I see another person stop at a roundabout that has a merge sign, I am going to make it known that you are not very bright.”

What always makes you nostalgic?

“The Debby Deb song ‘Lookout Weekend.’ My mom was a teenage mom, and we would be mobbing around the streets of San Jose with that pumping out the speakers, there were other artists, but that one was the winner here. When that song comes on, I think of being a kid.”

What story had the best ending?

“I don’t know, I always thought Goldie Locks got away with a whole lot, and the bears didn’t eat her, and she never even got into trouble. I was always left confused with that one, I always wondered why sis was so entitled, and I am still trying to figure out what the lesson in that story was about.”

Nessa P

Nessa P

What is one thing that you’re good at that people don’t expect?

“My dad made me drop out of high school when I was 15, and he made me do construction. It’s not something a 15-year-old girl would want to do. He was a general contractor in California, and he fired all his workers, so he didn’t have to pay anyone, so he could buy a house. I am really handy, I can fix almost anything, but not electrical systems.

“I used to be able to work on cars, but technology has changed that. In my own house, I have put in the garbage disposal, built a fence, installed ceiling fans, installed a dishwasher, fixed holes in sheetrock, and more. I am the handywoman at my house.”

What’s something you’re proud you’ve never done?

“Quit, I never give up, on anything that is meaningful in my life. I am mentally strong, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get sad or depressed, I just never am able to stay in that state too long. I can’t just stop doing things or lay down and give in to my bad thoughts. And I might for an hour or so, but then I remember that’s not me and I force myself out of it.”

If you had the chance to know when you died and how, would you take it?

“That would depend on how I died, and how young I was when I died. I am pretty content with the fact that I will leave this earth one day, but I am not excited about it. I am better off not knowing.”

What’s a fear of yours that you think is fully justified?

“I have a fear of heights, we are not flying creatures so, there’s nothing we can do to get out of a falling situation if we are not prepared for it.”

What will always be funny to you?

Tom Green in the ’90s. That show used to have me rolling. The humour does not transfer, but I still appreciate what he did for us back then.”

What’s the best purchase you’ve ever made?

“Oh my god, I always feel like the equipment I just bought is the best thing ever. I am going to say the studio office because I can put all my great purchases in it. I love that space so much.”

What’s the most random fact you know?

“So many actually. Gutzon Borglum was the brains behind the creation of Mount Rushmore.”

What’s your favourite family tradition growing up?

“We didn’t have many. I would say making a huge dinner for Christmas.”

Who was your childhood hero? Do you still look up to them?

“Dare I say, Hilary Clinton was my childhood hero, and no I do not look up to her at all anymore. When I was around the age of 7 there was a book about her in my library, and I took it home to read, that was when I decided I wanted to be the President of the United States when I grew up.”

What were the longest five minutes you’ve ever experienced?

“When I was waiting to find out if I was pregnant or not with my first child. That was weird, and when the stripes came up I was very surprised.”

When do you feel like the best version of yourself?

“When I am involved in music for any reason, you will be getting the best version of Nessa.”

Favourite drink and food?

“Sushi is my favourite food in the whole world and I am addicted to diet sodas namely Pepsi and Coke products. Coke Zero is the best. I love nigri, handrolls, and regular rolls. I am always eating sushi it is a problem because it is very expensive; especially when I am looking to get in on some Omakase!”

What Internet search engine do you use?

Google baby, I have been googling since it came out, and it’s the only way.”

BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, other?

“iPhone, if you’re not using an iPhone don’t text me anything other than words. Everyone has an iPhone, the market saturation is over 70 percent. If you have an Android I get the urge not to want to give a monopoly money, but they really have the best user-friendly product that allows you to connect with more people.”

Beer, wine, or liquor?

“That always depends on the occasion, wine being my least favourite. I will have wine at weddings, and other events where it seems fitting, but I am not a fan of wine bars. I’ll get down on a wine-tasting tour, that’s another kind of vibe. I am a Hazy IPA person, I used to be a huge desert stout girl, but I grew out of it. After visiting Germany I developed a taste for lighter beers. I really get down on a Kolsch or a Marzen beer.”

Must-have on your rider?

“Let me just make my rider here:

Xbox with Fortnight, Mortal Kombat, and any other two-player games

Twelve-pack of whatever local brewery offers in the way of IPA’s and Hazy’s

Twelve-pack of Coke Zero

Jar of dill pickles

JBL, Sonos, Harmon Kardon, or better quality

Grapes, and blueberries

Pretzel sticks


A jar of only brown peanut M&M’s

Five king size packs of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

Teriyaki beef jerky (never dry)

Filtered cold water

Bottle of Maker’s Mark 46

Turkey bacon sandwiches delivered to me two hours before the show, with mayonnaise and mustard on the side. And a side of cranberry sauce.

I hope I was complicated enough!”

Must-have non-musical items when you’re on tour?

“Arts & crafts materials. I need to have a creative outlet, if I have a creative idea I need the means to create it, so large arts & crafts box. You never know what I am up to, and I am pretty handy so there”

What three things would you have to have in your bag on a road trip?

“Outside of a phone because your phone is everything (promo, pics, communication, etc.) as an indie musician. I travel a bit too much.”

What’s the theme song to your life and why?

“I actually have one, I even want it played at my funeral. I need to start planning my funeral because I saw someone who didn’t plan theirs.”

If your life were a book or movie, what would the title be?

The Strangest Road: The Life & Times of Nessa Pizza.”

Would you rather be a zombie, vampire, or werewolf?

“Vampire. I love the idea of living forever, and What We Do in the Shadows is one of my favourite shows.”

Cats or dogs?

“Both. I love cats, much more. I have two, a tabby baby girl who is the most loveable and sweet cat you’ll ever meet and a Siamese old boy who is loveable in his own way but is sincere and loyal, just not as sweet at all. Also, I have a husky pup, he goes on runs with me, he is great with people, and kids, he has a great temperament, but he chews up everything and I hate it.”

If you were a stripper what would your name be?

“Well, I can play along here. I would choose a car name like Rav because I drive a Rav4 (laughs)!”

What are three words that describe you?

“Persistent, confident, endearing.”

What quote would you put on your tombstone?

“She did everything they said she did, and a lot more!”

What is the best movie ever?

The Royal Tenenbaums, it is just an amazing movie, and it has so much detail. I have every line in the movie memorized, I have it on the original Criterion Collection DVD. And I listened to it on the director’s commentary several times. I can tell you lots of behind-the-scenes stuff about the movie, but I won’t bore you.”

If you could have anything as a pet, what would it be?

“I have them, I love them so much, but I don’t want any more pets, they are a lot of work. If say in a world I can keep any animal I wanted and it would never cause problems or hurt anyone, I can say I have always wanted a chimp for a friend.”

What’s your guilty pleasure?

“Chocolate is my weakness. I wish it wasn’t but I have learned to stay away. I used to go to See’s Candies and get a box of truffles and eat one per day, they average about 75 calories each. That was when I was in tip-top shape. I should go back to doing that, but in reality, I was working out like crazy and I had a great diet outside of my one bite of chocolate.”

Top three songs of all-time?

“I hate these, I don’t like the ranking of songs, I cycle in and out of moods, and there are great songs, some much better than others, I admit that. But I don’t compare or rank songs like this, I just can’t.”

If you could hang out with a famous person (dead or alive) for one day, who would it be?

“Gotta roll with Mark Ronson again, he is the epitome of cool, and he is my hero. I am not just talking about the fact that he worked with different people, his approach to music recording is on point, you could spend a day with him and learn a whole hell of a lot.”

What toppings do you like on your pizza?

“Anything, even the controversial ones. I have developed a taste for blackberries on pizza sauce, it’s amazing. I am a huge pepperoni fan, I am pretty easy, but I am not picky; they call me Nessa Pizza for a reason.”

What was your first concert?

“It’s a wild one. For my first concert I was invited by my mom’s friend to go to a theme park in San Jose called Great America. It’s in the Beverly Hills Cop movie, and it was to watch Weird Al Yankovic. It was interesting, I actually knew a bunch of the songs, some of which have not aged well.”

If you could be a cartoon character who would you be?

Marvin the Martian, he is kind of dumb, but he has a spaceship and I would love to have one too, that’s a serious flex.”

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would play the lead role as you?

Christina Ricci has to play me or a younger Drew Barrymore. I think they could pull me off, and they aren’t some basic actor that I wouldn’t want to play me.”

You just won a game show and your prize is a dream vacation! Where are you headed?

“That can be anywhere, but my dream vacation right now is a two-month stay in a beautiful Airbnb in Northern Italy. From there, I want to take short trips, and some overnight trips all around Europe. I will use the location as my sort of home base. That sounds amazing to me.”

How do you drink your coffee?

“I can take it black, or I can indulge in an oat milk latte, just don’t put sugar in my coffee, please.”

Favourite book of all time?

Tuesday’s With Moorie is a simple book, it may even be cheesy, but it had a profound impact on me, how I live my life, and the choices I make. That book made me think about the person I want to be in this life, the person I want to be remembered as. It’s a great story, and it’s a true story. I am not really into fiction.”

Name a big guilty pleasure of yours.

Fortnite, I had to stop playing. During the pandemic, I was staying up until 5 am playing. I am pretty good at it, I get really frustrated when I am not winning. If I play now I have to limit myself to one to three games depending on how busy I am that day.”

What’s the best venue you have ever played and why?

2nd Phase Brewing in Bakersfield, California was my favourite because I had my biggest crowds there, I was being compensated, and I had support from the owner. I really appreciate what they did for me.”

Favourite movie?

“Anything from Wes Anderson, but The Royal Tenenbaums will always be it for me. The attention to detail was everything to me as a young person. Most people hated it, and couldn’t understand why someone would like a more curated, and slow-paced movie. I adore Wes Anderson films. I have been entranced since 2002 when I picked this film up on DVD at Hollywood Video.”

Wii, Xbox or Playstation?

“Xbox hands down, I can get down on some Fortnite any day. I take first place in Zero Build a lot. I haven’t had a lot of time to play these days, but I think about it a lot.”

If you could have dinner with any musician (dead or alive) who would it be?

“Mark Ronson, I just love his perspective on music, collaboration, and the creative process. I have learned so much with him. He is alive, so I could use the dinner to network with him too!”

What were you doing in the ’80s?

“I was a wreck in the ’80s, I was always a mess, I really needed help back then getting on my feet. It was a really humbling time, I had to have someone cook and clean for me because I had to learn to do all that for myself. I wore diapers, it’s not really something I like to talk about.”

Favourite childhood musical memory?

“Pushing a piano down the street to my house, not knowing we were throwing it way out of tune. We bought it at a garage sale down the street, and it had wheels so my mom just thought it would be great to walk it home. I learned to improvise on piano with that thing. We all lived in a garage together, so this was one of the major things taking up room in our home.”

What’s your secret to great metal hair?

“I think people who are into metal just take care of long locks of gorgeous hair. I have no secrets about this though.”
