Album News

Foxy Shazam Debut Music Video for Recent Single “Dreamer”



Foxy Shazam recently marked their welcomed return by unveiling the new single “Burn” and “Dreamer” – now, the band have unveiled a music video for the latter of those two tracks.

According to a recent press release, “[t]he video alternates between a high-powered performance by the band in a garage and ethereal footage exhibiting the sanctity of nature. In doing so, it matches the vibe of the song, which bounces between a reflective ode to the natural world and a compelling hook – accented by a propulsive bridge where the guitars and percussion kick the track into overdrive.”

It’s great to have back this quirky group and, as frontman Eric Nally, so eloquently states, “Nature is a quiet truth that lies within everything. ‘Dreamer’ is about learning that.”

Artwork for “Dreamer” by Foxy Shazam


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