
Bring Me The Author – “Call to Arms I: Beginning to an End” [Free Song Download]

“Call to Arms I: Beginning to an End” is a new song from progressive hardcore band Bring Me The Author. Download it now!



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“Call to Arms I: Beginning to an End” is a new song from progressive hardcore band Bring Me The Author. The Hamilton, Ontario band is a relatively new construction, featuring veterans of the local scene Jordan Busutill (Maddison), Jon Busutill (The Subterraneans, Maddison), Craig Ireland (Maddision), Chris Sindrey (Aerith), and Jamie Stieva (Aerith). Bring Me The Author had their start as a tribute band to one of the members’ favorite rock groups Coheed and Cambria with no real intentions to become an act that wrote its own music. Guitarist Jamie Stieva and drummer Chris Sindrey were working hard at building the reputation of their own band Aerith when through a mutual friend they were introduced to Jordan and his twin brother Jon. The four got to rehearsing and realized that they had musical chemistry which propelled the band forward.

Soon Bring Me The Author was born and since Jordan and Jamie had always had an affection for concept records, the band decided to follow a similar course. Jamie had already developed a concept for a record in the past which was expanded on by Jordan. Together the two of them came up with the story for Act One: Beginning to an End. While rehearsing for the record, the band sought out a lead singer and decided they wanted Craig Ireland the old singer from Maddison. Craig was an immediate fit and in June, 2012 Bring Me The Author began the process of writing Act One: Beginning to an End which lasted roughly six months. The band released the record in March, 2013 and have been on a roll ever since.


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