
Future of the Left: “Join Their Hopeless Cause”

For my money, the band that best exemplifies the best notion of a power trio is Future of the Left. Led by former Mclusky front man Andy “Falco” Falkous, this three piece has the lean and hungry sound of a ’77 punk outfit, but with the political smarts and righteous indignation that can only be found in our modern age.



The Skinny: The power trio is something looked on with an almost ironic remove, especially in this age of bands that have been padded out to 10+ members with the more people = more sound equation. But, as you likely know, the key word in that overused phrase is “power”, a raw strength torn into being with nothing more than an electric guitar, bass and drum kit.

For my money, the band that best exemplifies the best notion of a power trio is Future of the Left. Led by former Mclusky front man Andy “Falco” Falkous, this three piece has the lean and hungry sound of a ’77 punk outfit, but with the political smarts and righteous indignation that can only be found in our modern age.

They have scorched their mark into the consciousness of North America and Europe (the band is from the UK) with the release of last year’s brilliant album Travels With Myself And Another and a long series of searing live appearances that found Falkous channeling his inner black metal demon, vocally, and the music beating the audience over the head with volume and anger. When they come back around on the heels of the new album they are in the studio pounding out as you read this (due out June 22nd), you owe it to yourself to feel the full brunt of this powerful trio.  [ END ]

Genres: Noise Rock, Punk, Alternative Rock, Indie Rock, Welsh


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