
Interview with xDeathstarX vocalist Eric Gregson

Want killer Hardcore with unbelievable riffing and a straightedge, positive, upbeat message? Then look no further than California based xDeathStarx. The band has just re-released a newly remixed version of The Triumph on Facedown Records, and let me tell you, this record packs a big punch. Ferocious and intense right from the start, these guys belt out song after brutal song of uncompromising Hardcore…



Want killer Hardcore with unbelievable riffing and a straightedge, positive, upbeat message? Then look no further than California based xDeathStarx. The band has just re-released a newly remixed version of The Triumph on Facedown Records, and let me tell you, this record packs a big punch. Ferocious and intense right from the start, these guys belt out song after brutal song of uncompromising Hardcore guaranteed to please any fan of the genre. I recently spoke with vocalist Eric Gregson about the band, their convictions and some amusing stories from the road.

The name of the band xDeathstarx is interesting to say the least and sounds as if there is a story behind it. Where did the name come from and what is the story?
Eric: The name is just a name. There is no deep meaning or any significant story. I wish we had a good story behind it but we don’t. We just needed some way to identify our self and we liked xDeathstarx.

What can fans expect when they pick up a copy of The Triumph?
Eric: Straight Edge brutality.

When playing together and ultimately recording this CD did you find that you could express yourself creatively enough?
Eric: It is an older CD so we have progressed as a band since then.

Your brand new CD titled The Triumph is set for release on November 25th. Now that it is complete, how do you feel about it? Are you satisfied with the outcome?
Eric: It is a remix of our first album, it is not new but I am very satisfied with the remix. Charlie Bybee is the man. He helped on “We Are the Threat” and on the Sleeping Giant record.

The band keeps things interesting thematically. Can you talk about some of the subjects you tackle on this record?
Eric: We sing a lot about being drug free, watching our friends sell out and the effects it had on all of us. When we made this record I was not as tight with the Lord as I am now. I have come a long way since this record.

The artwork by Dave Quiggle is quite amazing. How is it tied to the album’s title?
Eric: It ties to the album in this way – It Kicks Butt! Amen?

Tell me the number one thing in your lives, personally, that has changed since you developed a relationship with Christ. What has been the one biggest change in your lives since you began bringing the message of hope and redemption to your fans?
Eric: Everything has changed. I have hope, destiny and life to the fullest. I spend time with the Father. He loves me and I love Him back, and through His love, I have the authority to change the world around me. I love Him. The biggest change I have seen through our message is this…. that we as Christians rarely have the same message as Jesus did. I need to connect with the Father if I want to have true and lasting effect.

Do you still run into misperceptions among Christians about what Christian metal represents and what it is you as a band are trying to accomplish?
Eric: YES! The biggest misperception comes from people involved in Christian metal. We pawn it off as worship but it is not. We are either preaching or trying to get famous. We rarely worship the Lord. Christian music is not worship, preaching is not worship. We need to learn how to worship God not just make music for a Christian culture. I am guilty of all of the above.

Being in a touring metal band undoubtedly has given you kind of an interesting perspective on people and faith. How have some of the things you’ve seen and done in your life changed the way that you act or the way you look at things?
Eric: I have seen and still see Christians tear each other apart and I have done it as well. The Church will crap-talk other churches and other Believers because our doctrines do not match up. Biblically speaking it is the most grievous sin we can commit (proverbs 6:19). It breaks my heart and I refuse to be a part of it any more.

When you are on the road for a while, I am sure you see and experience many different things you might not even have known existed. Are there any stories that stand out in your mind as being exceptionally strange or odd?
Eric: One time our old drummer crapped his pants in the van. We pulled over on the side of the freeway and he crapped all over the road. He was only wearing a shirt and one black ankle sock. I did not know they made black ankle socks.

What does the future hold for you guys as a band?
Eric: We are trying to write a new album, brand new material. Other than that, not too sure.  [ END ]


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