
Indie Hip-Hop Duo Rebel ACA & French Monkey Wrench Warn That You’d Better Be “Ready For Them” [Premiere]

UK indie hip-hop duo Rebel ACA & French Monkey Wrench team up for their scathing new track “Ready For Them”. Check out our premiere here.



They’ve been described as “Britain’s Run The Jewel” and now U.K indie hip-hop duo Rebel ACA & French Monkey Wrench are releasing a brand new track in the form of “Ready For Them” out now through Buttercuts Records. Fusing hook-laden rhythms with biting social commentary, the track features the superstar talents of Jamaican MC iSTAND and Dancehall legend Danny Sprang.

Check out our exclusive premiere of the stunning collaboration right here:

Speaking of the track and the collaboration, Rebel ACA explains:”This is a continuing collaboration between myself and Jamaican MC’s, coming together again with my brothers iSTAND and Danny Sprang. Backed by French Monkey Wrench’s unmistakable funky bass and production. The song is “Ready for Them” – and really means ready for anything. Ready for war, ready to party, ready for summer. iSTAND starts off with his dark unmistakable flow calling to arms through the darkness, come on then. Danny raises the tone, saying when we say we’re ready. A fist in the air after this time of hardship, the gang celebrate coming out of the winter and into the sun, banging our drum and inviting the world to come. With the virus, the misinformation, the zoom, the monotony of it all, we are all tired and we are all ready to move on. We have seen and done it all, and we are ready for anything.”

To find out more about this exciting collaboration of minds, we spoke to Rebel ACA.

Thanks for sharing your new track with us. Could you tell us briefly how the collab came about?

Rebel ACA: “iStand is a very close friend of Spragga Benz and an MC that has been a big influence and part of his life. During the making of “Chilagon”, I (Rebel ACA) became friends with iStand. We shared a passion for this genre of music and I really respect his experience and professionalism. We then collaborated with his very talented friend Danny Sprang in the Buttercuts Studio in North West London.”

You’ve been described as a “British Run The Jewels” – how do you feel about that comparison?

“Very flattered. They rock. I guess the comparison is simply alluding to the fact that we have a different vibe and sound to what is mainly around in the UK hip-hop scene.”

Do you have any plans to work together again? What can we expect from you musically in 2021?

“100%. Collaborating with artists is just the best feeling, and challenges you to lift and change your game.

The next tune next month to be released is “Tangoed”. It is with iStand and Danny Sprang and with a video too. It’s about never giving up and making the best of a situation.”

So many mixes of cultures and influences in your music. If we were to check out your personal Spotify playlists, what would we find?

“A very wide eclectic mix. At my heart, I am a hip hop fan from the UK and USA but I enjoy all types of Reggae, Jazz, Disco, Funk, Dubstep, Drum and Bass… and a million things besides. An interesting twist is my appreciation of Calypso, Soca and Chutney music as my wife is Caribbean.”

As individual artists, what are your long term ambitions?

“I enjoy making music as it’s my therapy, for the things that I feel, as a catharsis. To then have this be part of someone else’s journey, with other artists, or just to reach out to any listeners, is the greatest honour and ambition for me.”

And, as life returns to normal in 2021, what are you looking forward to most?

“I’m looking forward most to reconnecting with people. Music has always brought people into my life, whether it’s been jamming in the backyard, hanging out at gigs or partying at festivals. I’ve really missed the community that it provided. I know things may never return to what it was but I have hope that we can all be together again. And from that being re-inspired.

Many people I am sure have been inspired by the crisis, by social distancing even (shit I even wrote a tune about it) – but as that tune points out – we’re all running out of mental food to keep sane… and it’s not watching a film, but walking down the street that inspires creativity.”

“I’ve realised it’s not toys or collaboration
that lubricate my imaginations
food, or films that fuels my will or sensations.
It’s not nude, or still that causes my salivation

It’s people, places, moving, leaving traces
drinking coffee, watching different races
walking at these different paces.

The trouble with Zoom, there’s no sentimental clues
no mental food, it’s mental dude.
Suddenly. Bing Bang Boom
You back in your bedroom.”

Artwork for ‘Ready for Them’ by Rebel ACA


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