
Charlie Risso Unveils Music Video for “By The Lake”

Charlie Risso unveils the music video for “By The Lake,” the fourth single from her third studio album ‘Alive.’



Charlie Risso, photo by Pierluigi DeRubertis

Charlie Risso unveils the music video for “By The Lake, the fourth single from her third studio album Alive, which was recently released via German label T3 Records on CD, LP and digitally.

The music video, shot with an evocative 1980s filter that evokes the iconic atmosphere of “Twin Peaks,” is not only a visual celebration of the music but also a fascinating making of the record. It offers an intimate and engaging look behind the scenes of the creation of  Alive. Filmed at the prestigious Puccini Floating Music Academy (PFMA), the video features special moments with the artists who contributed to the album’s making, including Hugo RaceRoberto Dell’Era, violinist HER, and record producer Nicola Baronti.

The choice to use an 80s visual filter is not accidental: it aims to transport viewers to an era of intense artistic creativity, recalling the aesthetics of “Twin Peaks,” famous for its combination of mystery and surrealism. This recall not only pays homage to an iconic era but also underscores the emotional depth and artistic complexity of the song and the album as a whole.

Charlie Risso is a singer-songwriter of Genoese origins, musically raised between Milan and London, cosmopolitan, and with a captivating and melancholic sound. Perfectly bilingual, the English in her songs gives the project an international scope, allowing Charlie to erase any geographical boundaries. After the release of her EP The Light in November 2022, she released Alive, a collection of ten intense ballads ranging from folk-soul-blues to singer-songwriter tunes, guided by the influence of David Lynch. Each track is a portrait of those often conflicting emotions that characterize the human soul and shape an intense album that accompanies the listener into the depths of Charlie Risso’s music.

Charlie Risso ‘Alive’ album artwork


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