Album Review

Eric Schroeder – ‘Turned on the Stereo’ [Album Review]

There’s a casual manner to Eric Schroeder’s vocals, which, with the distinctive harmonics, gives ‘Turned on the Stereo’ a contiguous allure.



Eric Schroeder ‘Turned on the Stereo’ album artwork

Eric Schroeder’s new album, Turned on the Stereo, produced by Rob Schnapf, is good enough to provide an elevator ride to the top. It’s a tight record, balanced and vaguely reminiscent of Tom Petty and The Kinks because of its artistry, along with its hints of Beach Boys-influenced harmonies.

According to Schroeder, “I grew up in an unstable household where I was basically left to my own devices. I learned a lot about people and how cold the world is.”

While growing up in SoCal, Schroeder lost himself in Brian Wilson’s genius for complex melodies, followed by listening to Neil Young, Elliot Smith, and Townes Van Zandt, who together instilled in him a talent for subtlety.

Entry points on the ten-track album comprise “The Kind of Wound That Never Heals,” a lazy, blues-flavoured tune highlighted by the nonchalant feel of Schroeder’s vocals, which are belied by the poignancy of the lyrics.

Arguably one of the album’s best tracks, “Stayed the Same,” conjures up suggestions of The Kinks blended with hints of Tom Petty. What sets the song apart is its delicious harmonies, à la The Beach Boys – “ba ba ba.”

The Kinks-like “Mother Said” reveals tangs of country and Americana atop a shuffling two-step-like rhythm. The swaying charm of “Song Song,” with its quixotic savors comes across as tender and a bit wistful. It’s a pretty song, one that appeals.

Eric Schroeder

For some reason, the intro to “Easier Way To Go” summons up memories of Creedence Clearwater Revival. But rather than flowing into a swamp-laced tune, the melody assumes a low-slung, contented sensation.

There’s a beautiful casual manner to Eric Schroeder’s vocals, which, with the distinctive harmonics, gives Turned on the Stereo a contiguous allure.

Turned On The Stereo Track Listing:

1. Stayed The Same
2. Mother Said
3. Plan For Me
4. The Kind of Wound That Never Heals
5. Song Song
6. Never Go Away
7. Easier Way to Go
8. Do Done
9. Turn on the Stereo
10. Parting with My Wisdom

Run Time: 31:46
Release Date: April 26, 2024
Record Label: Enabler No. 6 Records


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