
The Division Red Premiere Their Chromatic New Record ‘Chroma Compute’

Some rock bands and artists may hesitate to embrace too much of an electronic-focused sound, but not The Division Red. Sample their new record ‘Chroma Compute’ today!



Some rock bands and artists may hesitate to embrace too much of an electronic-focused sound, but not The Division Red. For their new record Chroma Compute, the duo has let the music pull them in whatever direction it was meant to take them.

Well, that direction steers towards more of an electronic approach than you may have expected had you gotten to know them through their 2019 debut record, The Speed of Light. While that album was more of a traditional rock affair, this one is more of a guitar meets alternative pop meets electronica collection of tunes.

You can hear it all for yourself today as they premiere Chroma Compute in full before its release this Friday, March 31st.

Commenting on the motivations and approach to crafting Chroma Compute, lead singer and producer Daniel Houlemarde shares:

Chroma Compute is us really backing into and doubling down on the direction we started to go in after we released the Arcade EP in 2020. We discovered we both really liked electronica and were inspired by other genres that incorporated electronica sounds. I think we had found our thing and found a sound on that record that we knew was scalable – at least to us.

So Chorma Compute is a record created without any fear; we didn’t hold back on trying stuff and playing pretty deeply into other themes that we thought were interesting. But we always root anything we do around guitar work and ground the overarching ideas on a foundation of Rock & Roll…because at the heart of it, that’s what we are – a Rock & Roll band – and we don’t want our fans to forget that.”

The reason for recording a more electronically inclined batch of songs was that Houlemarde wanted to make an album that utilized more modern electronic forms of instrumentation, along with sampling. Still, it was also rooted in that era where analog was how music was experienced, as he alludes to above. Assisting Houlemarde along the way was guitarist and producer Colin Fraizer, who helped mould the many twists and turns this record takes from a sonic perspective.

It’s a diverse and inventive pursuit of new ideas, but not so reckless that it leaves behind the cornerstones and benchmarks of modern rock music. This is a refreshing perspective; in a world full of stale ideas, this act is dead set against being viewed as stagnant or predictable.

The Division Red ‘Chroma Compute’ album artwork


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