
Blake Rave Releases New Single ‘Albatross’



Midwestern native, Blake Rave is a singer and songwriter, known for his light rock melodies coupled with gripping and poetic lyrics.  Blake’s newly released single “Albatross” instantly grabs your attention with its simple melody that your brain will not soon be able to shake.

“Albatross” artfully uses a fun and catchy song-like quality to communicate some truly thought-provoking lyrics about a difficult time in Blake’s life.  “I was in a murky emotional state when I wrote Albatross… I mean, it was a murky situation (laughs uncomfortably). There’s a line in the song ‘Will I say no this time…enough with the self-harm?’ Like an addiction: you know better, you know it’s not good for you but you can’t stop. In the end, the highs aren’t worth the lows, and it really robs you of your self worth.”

Like an addiction: you know better, you know it’s not good for you but you can’t stop.

“Albatross” pays homage to the best of music from a bygone era. The song begins simply with a layered ostinato in the bass that repeats throughout the duration of the piece.  As the song progresses, the layers evolve into more intricate patterns and finally culminates with some ethereal and almost dream-like vocal harmonies that match the intensity of the lyrics, communicating Blake’s hurt and confusion while still keeping the song’s positive energy.

If you haven’t yet, listen to “Albatross” on Spotify here or whoever you stream your music. You won’t regret it.


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