Album News

The Describers Let Loose with New Album ‘Ghost In the Rearview’

The Describers released their album ‘Ghost In the Rearview,’ and it’s a diverse culmination of digestible modern elements and character.



The Describers are a Philadelphia-based Americana folk & pop rock project that delivers a refreshingly explorative sonic experience. The project, led by Jason McGovern, released their most recent album, Ghost In the Rearview, in September of last year, and it’s a diverse culmination of digestible modern elements, unique textural character, and the ever-elusive signature “sound” that makes an artist stand out from the rest.

Track over track, the pace of the album is memorable. The opening track, “Hurt Starting Over,” wastes no time, it opens almost abruptly to a driving bed of music that grabs your attention right away and never lets go. The album keeps moving forward from there without ever growing stale. The driving pace is only broken when the album reaches its calming climatic close, with the final track, “Half Closed, which serves as the perfect heartfelt ‘farewell’ of an ender.

In his own words, Jason said of the album:

“I’m normally really in my own head when it comes to writing and producing my songs. While I can’t say that wasn’t the case completely this time around, these songs definitely came together with a looseness and sense of play that made finishing this album a joy.”

The Describers created something very free-ing with this album, and it’s demonstrated with each song on Ghost In the Rearview. If you haven’t yet, listen to the album on Spotify here or whoever you stream your music.


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