
The Righteous Few are Empowering with Their Southern Anthem “Shotgun Honey” [Premiere]

Despite its playful rock n’ roll title, the name of The Righteous Few’s new single, “Shotgun Honey,” can be taken quite literally. Anyone who likes a little groove in their rock n’ roll needs to check this out.



Despite its playful rock n’ roll title, the name of The Righteous Few’s new single, “Shotgun Honey,” can be taken quite literally.

Alluding to the power imbalance of an abusive relationship, the song really drives its point home, while at the same time doling out some inspiriting, southern riffs that will be pleasing to anyone who likes a little groove in their rock n’ roll. It speaks to the roots-rock heritage of the band, a quintet from Virginia Beach that is really starting to find its way.

Explaining to us the background behind the song, and how it took shape, the band offers the following words:

“‘Shotgun Honey’ is a soulful empowering rock track that paints the picture of a woman who is sick of her abusive relationship and decides enough is enough. The guitar riffs drive the song into an uplifting yet thoughtful space, and the lyrics are intimidatingly poignant. ‘Shotgun Honey, you’ll never feel closer to God.’ Nate Sacks wrote the music and lyrics up front with help from riff ghost writer Nicholas Comanici. Maggie DeLaura was immediately struck by the song and wanted to sing her truth, making for a very honest and forward performance.”

Primarily led by main songwriter Nate Sacks and frontwoman Maggie DeLaura, the band formed relatively recently. Once Sacks discovered DeLaura, the chemistry was instant and the songwriting came swiftly and naturally. “Shotgun Honey” is the follow-up single to “Hellfire” (here that below), the group’s breakthrough single which they released via their own record company Ratso Records late last year. Now signed to Heartsville Records, Sacks, DeLaura, and company are ready to kick things in high gear, including a physical move to Nashville so they can be closer to where the action is at with the southern music scene.

Currently, they have a lot cooking in the kitchen so to speak, with lots of southern tinged rock coming your way shortly.

Artwork for the single “Shotgun Honey” by The Righteous Few


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