
SAVAS Join Us to Discuss “Living Small in a Large World” [Guest Blog]



Rising star SAVAS is looking to colour your world with his brand-new single “Pastels.” Released earlier this month, the song comes full of good vibes, along with a music video that is just as rich and vibrant. “Pastels” is a track about dating and the issues that come about when lusting after someone. Despite the more song’s more serious subject matter, it is meant to sound happier and more cheerful, something light and summer appropriate.

SAVAS is the latest musical endeavour of Portland, Maine musician Keanu Savas. You may know Savas from his role as the lead vocalist of the powerhouse melodic hardcore quintet Roseview. Savas is showing a whole other side to himself as a musician with this solo effort, a far cry from the thundering and aggressive passion you hear when listening to Roseview. SAVAS shows a more jovial, romantic side to the singer, which may surprise some fans of the hardcore they are used to getting from Roseview.

With “Pastels” gaining him a lot of deserved recognition, and new music soon to come, Savas has been so kind to join us today for a special guest blog in which he shares with us some valuable life lessons that he has uncovered over these last several months, living and surviving through a global pandemic.

“Living Small In A Large World” by: Keanu Savas

Over the past year and a half during the COVID-19 virus, I took a step back to discover my inner self. Stripped away from a lot of distractions like touring, working, and traveling, life consisted of just visualizing and not doing anything about it. I spent time working out the possibilities in my mind.

I realized that as I grew older, the more I discovered about myself. It struck me this past year that I’ve always had music to fall back on for reasoning being my actions. But without it, it felt like I was living small in a large world.

Over the last few months I dove deep into some soul searching. I uncovered meditation. Not the type of meditation you see in photos of hermits on ledges but deep inner reflection. During the COVID downtime my only escapes were becoming mindful of my possibilities. I searched deep into my thoughts and broke down my past patterns. I realized that ultimately to understand the world, to be able to live in any community one needed to know who they were first. That was my turning point.

Artwork for “Pastels” by Savas

I uncovered that having fears and insecurities about career paths and aspirations were normal. I realized that as I looked inward I was ok with myself, I could adapt to what the world would throw my way. I defined myself under different standards. I became SAVAS. In my mind SAVAS was an outward reflection of my inner peace and transformation.

Because of life’s challenges, I learned that if I pulled all my energies towards the positives I could find alternate paths and still be true to myself. At this point I am more mindful of my choices. I understand that life is fragile and that who we are and what we give back leaves a footprint. We are all connected and have inner value. It’s about finding one’s inner being early enough on their path in this life to make life’s adventure feel truly real.

At this moment, I am the truest I have ever been. I understand that the only way to achieve anything is through hard work and in respecting the choices I make in order to face the critic that matters the most, myself.


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