
Indigo Kidd Want You to Realize that Sometimes You’re “Better Off” [Song Premiere]

Sometimes you’re just “Better Off” not overthinking things, as Indigo Kidd are acknowledging on their brand new single.



Self-doubt is really such a pity, though a little bit of it is perfectly acceptable. It keeps us levelheaded, self-aware, and conscientious. But too much is liable to just consume you, your every thought, and probably your every action. Sometimes you’re just “Better Off” not overthinking things, as Indigo Kidd are acknowledging on their brand new single.

The point of the new song is simple; you’re putting yourself in a much more preferable position when you’re not concerning yourself with the thoughts and points of view of others who may happen to doubt you. We’re all just human, and we’re all going to make mistakes. Your goals and dreams are your own, and you’re better off remaining solely focused on them. Musically, “Better Off” is an interesting song, with noticeable classic alternative influences, as well as mid-2000s indie alternative rock that dominated the airwaves back then.

Explaining to us the backstory behind the song, and elaborating on its significance, the band stated, “Shortly after the release of our debut album Sad Daze In Happy Valley (November 2017), a crude recording was made as an open letter to the ‘non-believers.’ It was a short recording on an out of tune acoustic guitar clumsily muttering what would become the chorus of the song as it is now. ‘I’m gonna flood the stream of your radio, so you hear my songs while you’re sitting at home. I want you to know my name again, and that I’m better off without you here.’ It’s hard to tell exactly what inspired it, but the exact situation isn’t necessarily important. It’s definitely not a new concept, but the concept of revenge through success is a very satisfying thought for a lot of young people out in the harsh world trying to prove themselves.

“‘Better Off’ is an open letter to whoever it needs to go to. Gatekeepers in the scene, a bad breakup, unsupportive family, or anyone that looks at your bohemian ideas and doesn’t hesitate to call you a dead beat. The song wraps up this thought in the second part of the chorus, ‘All my friends have come to the show, and a whole lot of people that I don’t know. I want you to know my name again and that I made a name for myself here.’ We all move on, and sometimes moving on and working on yourself is the best revenge. Realizing that you are better off not concerning yourself with the thoughts of the people who doubt you, but you are only human and you do hope that they see you living your dreams and agree that you truly are better off.”

“Better Off” is a sign of things to come on Indigo Kidd’s brand new EP Tired of Wasting Wishes. The EP offers you a glance into the band’s point of view on life’s realities and coming to terms with finding your role within those realities. It marks a first for the group, with it being the only time they have worked with outside producers who primarily offered advice on song structure, and also assisted in the recording process.

The songs were recorded at Sonic Ranch Recording Studio in Tornillo, Texas, where some of the members’ favourite records have been recorded, like Beach House’s Myth, Yeah Yeah YeahsIt’s Blitz, and Gerard Way’s Hesitant Alien. The EP marks a significant moment of growth for a group whose best days are still ahead of them.

Artwork for ‘Tired of Wasting Wishes’ by Indigo Kidd


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