
Brandon Baumann – “None To Spare” [Free Song Download]



“Look at the time.” “What time is it?” “How much time do we have left?” “I don’t have time.” “It’s about time.” These are just a few of the dozens of examples of how time ultimately governs almost every component of our very existence. We treat time with a preciousness typically allocated to something of great monetary value. It’s something that’s certainly on the mind of singer and songwriter Brandon Baumann, as you’ll hear on his brand new single “None To Spare.”

In the undeniably catchy song, Baumann reflects on how time runs our lives, and how it’s impossible to just set aside. We have to own up to it, each and every second of each and every day. And, as of today, we’re offering the song as a free high-quality Mp3 download.

Offering his thoughts on his latest single, Baumann told us, “I really dig how the lyrics turned out for this song. The subject of “time” is something that we’re all up against, regardless of status or position. It’s the inescapable force in our lives and something that cannot be ignored. The sooner we realize that we’re always on the clock, the more precious we can treat the moments in our lives, before the sand reaches the bottom of the hourglass and it’s all a wrap.”

“None To Spare” acts as a fitting introduction to Baumann’s upcoming sophomore album, About Damn Time, which is set for release in the fall. The album, his second in less than two years and the follow-up to Manifestation, will undeniably illustrate the growth that he has experienced, both as a musician and as an individual. He views music as his calling in life, his purpose for being in the universe, an opportunity and a privilege which he does not take lightly.

Ever since he started Diamond Lane, his first band at age 16, Baumann has been working towards this moment as an artist. Up until a few years ago, he had never known what it was like to not be in a band. He truly embraced the challenge that going solo proposes, and it has led to the most creative period of his musical career. Ultimately, Baumann is leaning into what feels good, and it’s an approach that he is finding very rewarding as he enters chapter tw0 of his solo adventure.

Artwork for “None To Spare” by Brandon Baumann


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